Ahmad Abdullah

Ahmad Abdullah

Dato' Ahmad bin Abdullah (February 28, 1941 - September 28, 2005), usually known as Dato' Ahmad, was a Malaysian politician and accountant.

In 1976, Dato' Ahmad (a Chartered Accountant with the Malaysian Institute of Accountants [ [http://www.mia.org.my Malaysian Institute of Accountants] ] and a Certified Public Accountant with the Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants [ [http://www.micpa.com.my Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants] ] ) co-founded chartered accountancy firm Ahmad Abdullah & Goh [ [http://www.aag.my Firm of Ahmad Abdulla & Goh] ] with chartered accountant Michael Goh, and remained a partner of the firm until 1982. The firm has since become a leading local firm delivering a full range of chartered accountancy services. Michael Goh now serves as the managing partner of the firm.

In 1982, Dato' Ahmad was elected a Johor State Assemblyman for Kukup. He was subsequently re-elected for 3 further consecutive terms until 1999. From 1986 to 1995 he also served on the Johor State Executive Council and as Acting Chief Minister (Menteri Besar) on 4 occasions.

In 1999, Dato' Ahmad (also a Certified Financial Planner with the Financial Planning Association of Malaysia [ [http://www.fpam.org.my Financial Planning Association of Malaysia] ] and a Registered Financial Consultant with the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants [ [http://www.iarfc.org International Association of Registered Financial Consultants] ] ) retired from politics and set up consulting house Ahmad Abdullah & Goh Consulting and served as its chairman.

Dato' Ahmad also sat on the boards of Johor Corporation (formerly Johor State Economic Development Corporation) [ [http://www.jcorp.com.my Johor Corporation] ] and Johor Islamic Corporation (formerly Johor State Islamic Economic Development Corporation) [ [http://www.pij.gov.my Johor Islamic Corporation] ] , and served as the Vice President of the Johor State Malay Chamber of Commerce (Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia Negeri Johor) until his death in 2005.


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