- Bibliography of Louis-Joseph Papineau
This Bibliography of Louis-Joseph Papineau, is an incomplete list of all things written by or published about
Louis-Joseph Papineau in either French or English, original or translation.In English
Fernand Ouellet . " [http://www.biographi.ca/EN/ShowBio.asp?BioId=39325 Papineau, Louis-Joseph] ," in the [http://www.biographi.ca "Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online"] ,University of Toronto andUniversité Laval , 2000
* " [http://www.pc.gc.ca/lhn-nhs/qc/papineau/natcul/natcul1a_e.asp A Chronology of the Life of Louis-Joseph Papineau] ," Manoir-Papineau National Historic site of Canada, Parks Canada
* Fernand Ouellet. " [http://www.collectioncanada.ca/cha-shc/002013-119.01-e.php?&b_id=H-11&ps_nbr=1&brws=y&&PHPSESSID=9k0k1bo9k617jguinsq8u2ild5 Louis-Joseph Papineau : A Divided Soul] ," in "Canadian Historical Association", 11, Ottawa, 1960
*Thomas Storrow Brown , " [http://english.republiquelibre.org/Brief_Sketch_of_the_Life_and_Times_of_the_Hon._Louis_Joseph_Papineau Brief sketch of the life and times of the late Hon. Louis-Joseph Papineau] ," in "New Dominion Monthly", 1872, January 1872, 20 pages
*Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan . " [http://english.republiquelibre.org/A_Biographical_Sketch_of_the_Hon._Louis_Joseph_Papineau%2C_Speaker_of_the_House_of_Assembly_of_Lower_Canada A Biographical Sketch of the Hon. Louis Joseph Papineau, Speaker of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada] ," in "Sentinel", Saratoga Springs, 1838Studies
* Peter Marshall. "George Bancroft on the Canadian Rebellions and the American Revolution," in "The New England Quarterly", Vol. 63, No. 2 (Jun., 1990), pp. 302-308
* Lillian F. Gates. "A Canadian Rebel's Appeal to George Bancroft," dans "The New England Quarterly", Vol. 41, No. 1 (March, 1968), pp. 96-104
* R. Howell. "The Political Testament of Papineau in Exile, 1837," in "Canadian Historical Review", Vol. 38, No. 2 (sept. 1957): pp. 295-299Parliamentary work
* [http://www2.marianopolis.edu/quebechistory/docs/jews/1832act.htm "An Act to declare persons of the Jewish Religion entitled to all of the rights and privileges of the other subjects of His Majesty in this Province"] , in the Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada, 1832
* [http://english.republiquelibre.org/The_Ninety-Two_Resolutions_of_the_Legislative_Assembly_of_Lower_Canada "The Ninety-Two Resolutions"] , in the "Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada", 1834Other
* " [http://www.pc.gc.ca/lhn-nhs/qc/papineau/natcul/natcul1bi_e.asp Family Tree of Louis-Joseph Papineau] ," in Manoir-Papineau National Historic site of Canada, Parks Canada
* Dorothy M. Chandler. [http://www.uwgb.edu/wisfrench/family/history/papineau/papineau.htm "A Genealogy of the French-Canadian Family Lines of Papineau, Dontigny-Lucas, Gaudin (Godin), Gagné"] , in "Wisconsin's French Connections", University of Wisconsin
* [http://www.uwgb.edu/wisfrench/family/history/papineau/papinlet.htm "Letter from Louis J.A. Papineau to Willis P. Popenoe, May 10, 1894"] , in "Wisconsin's French Connections", University of Wisconsin
* Anthony Papineau. [http://www.papineaufamily.com Papineau Family Home Page]In French
Written Correspondance
* cite book
last = Aubin
first = Georges
authorlink = Georges Aubin
coauthors =
title = Papineau en exil à Paris. Tome I : Dictionnaire
publisher = Éditions Trois-Pistoles
date = 2007
location = Trois-Pistoles
pages = 304 pages
url =
doi =
id =
isbn =* cite book
last = Aubin
first = Georges
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Papineau en exil à Paris. Tome II : Lettres reçues, 1839-1845
publisher = Éditions Trois-Pistoles
date = 2007
location = Trois-Pistoles
pages = 599 pages
url =
doi =
id =
isbn =* cite book
last = Aubin
first = Georges
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Papineau en exil à Paris. Tome III : Drame rue de Provence
publisher = Éditions Trois-Pistoles
date = 2007
location = Trois-Pistoles
pages = 218 pages
url =
doi =
id =
isbn =* cite book
last = Aubin
first = Georges
authorlink =
coauthors = Renée Blanchet, Marla Arbach
title = Louis-Joseph Papineau. Lettres à divers correspondants, Tome I : 1810-1845
publisher = Les Éditions Varia
date = 2006
location = Montréal
pages = 438 pages
url =
doi =
id =
isbn = 2-89606-024-3* cite book
last = Aubin
first = Georges
authorlink =
coauthors = Renée Blanchet, Marla Arbach
title = Louis-Joseph Papineau. Lettres à divers correspondants, Tome II : 1845-1871
publisher = Les Éditions Varia
date = 2006
location = Montréal
pages = 600 pages
url =
doi =
id =
isbn = 2-89606-027-8* cite book
last = Aubin
first = Georges
authorlink =
coauthors = Renée Blanchet
title = Louis-Joseph Papineau. Lettres à ses enfants, Tome I : 1825-1854
publisher = Les Éditions Varia
date = 2004
location = Montréal
pages = 658 pages
url =
doi =
id =
isbn = ISBN 2-922245-91-8* cite book
last = Aubin
first = Georges
authorlink =
coauthors = Renée Blanchet
title = Louis-Joseph Papineau. Lettres à ses enfants, Tome II : 1855-1871
publisher = Les Éditions Varia
date = 2004
location = Montréal
pages = 758 pages
url =
doi =
id =
isbn = 2-922245-92-6* cite book
last = Aubin
first = Georges
authorlink =
coauthors = Renée Blanchet
title = Louis-Joseph Papineau, Lettres à Julie
publisher = Archives nationales du Québec
date = 2000
location = Québec
pages = 814 pages
url =
doi =
id =
isbn = 2-89448-165-9Speech, addresses, public letters
* cite book
last = Aubin
first = Georges
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Louis-Joseph Papineau. Cette fatale Union. Adresses, discours et manifestes 1847-1848
publisher = Lux éditeur
date = 2003
location = Montréal
pages = 223 pages
url =
doi =
id =
isbn = 2-89596-009-7* cite book
last = Aubin
first = Georges
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Louis-Joseph Papineau. Histoire de la résistance du Canada au gouvernement anglais
publisher = Comeau & Nadeau
date = 2001
location = Montréal
pages = 82 pages
url =
doi =
id =
isbn = 2-89596-009-7* cite book
last = Lamonde
first = Yvan
authorlink = Yvan Lamonde
coauthors = Claude Larin
title = Louis-Joseph Papineau. Un demi-siècle de combats. Interventions publiques
publisher = Éditions Fides
date = 1998
location = Montréal
pages = 662 pages
url =
doi =
id =
isbn = 2-7621-2008-X
* Louis-Joseph Papineau. "Histoire de l'insurrection du Canada", Montréal, Éditions Leméac, 1968, 104 p.
* Fernand Ouellet. "Papineau; textes choisis", in "Cahiers de l'institut d’histoire", 1, Québec, 1964
* Louis-Joseph Papineau. [http://jydupuis.apinc.org/pdf/papineau1.pdf "Un testament politique"] , volume 150, edition of the [http://jydupuis.apinc.org La Bibliothèque électronique du Québec] , 2003 (PDF)
* " [http://agora.qc.ca/reftext.nsf/Documents/Louis-Joseph_Papineau--Discours_de_Louis-Joseph_Papineau_par_Louis-Joseph_Papineau Discours de Louis-Joseph Papineau] ", in L'Encyclopédie de l'Agora ["Discours en faveur de l'indemnisation des députés" (1831) and "Discours sur le conseil législatif" (1833)]Biographies, studies
* Denis Aubert. " [http://www.da-go.com/-monographies/PAPINEAU_Louis-Joseph.html Louis-Joseph PAPINEAU (1786-1871) une esquisse biographique] ", in the Web site "Les Projets DA-GO", June 24 2006
* Nathalie Dubois. " [http://cgi2.cvm.qc.ca/glaporte/1837.pl?out=article&pno=n248 L'exil de Louis-Joseph Papineau (1837-1845)] ", in the Web site [http://cgi2.cvm.qc.ca/glaporte/ "Les Patriotes de 1837@1838"] , May 19, 2001
* Marguerite Paulin (2000). "Louis-Joseph Papineau, Le grand tribun, le pacifiste", Éditions XYZ, Montréal, ISBN 2-89261-280-2
*Marc Chevrier . " [http://agora.qc.ca/textes/chevrier6.html Le provincialisme, ou l'indolence politique] ", dans "Liberté", volume 40, no. 6, December 1998, p. 4-23
* Michel Bédard (1993) "Louis-Joseph Papineau : synthèse préliminaire des connaissances sur l'homme politique et le seigneur", Québec, Parcs Canada 359 p.
* Fernand Ippersiel (1990). "Les cousins ennemis : Louis-Joseph Papineau et Jean-Jacques Lartigue", Montréal, Guérin littérature
* Ruth L. White (1983). "Louis-Joseph Papineau et Lamennais. le chef des Patriotes canadiens à Paris, 1839-1845. avec correspondance et documents inédits.", Montréal, Hurtubise HMH ISBN 2-89045-524-6
*Robert Rumilly (1977). "Papineau et son temps", Fides, 2 volumes
* Fernand Ouellet. "Papineau et la rivalité Québec-Montréal (1820–1840)", in "Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française", XIII, 1959, pp. 311–327
* Robert Rumilly (1944). "Papineau", Montréal, B. Valiquette 281 p.
*Ève Circé-Côté (1924). "Papineau, son influence sur la pensée canadienne : essai de psychologie historique", Montréal, R.A. Regnault
*Lionel Groulx . " [http://agora.qc.ca/reftext.nsf/Documents/Louis-Joseph_Papineau--Louis-Joseph_Papineau_lhomme_politique_par_Lionel_Groulx Louis-Joseph Papineau, l'homme politique] ", in "Notre maître, le passé", 1924, pp. 189-211
*Alfred Duclos de Celles (1905). "Papineau, 1786–1871", Montréal, Librairie Beauchemin
*Laurent-Olivier David (1896). "Les deux Papineau", Montréal, Eusèbe Sénécal
* Laurent-Olivier David (1872). [http://jydupuis.apinc.org/pdf/david2.pdf "L'Honorable Louis-Joseph Papineau"] , Montréal, Typographie Geo. E. Desbarats (PDF edited by [http://jydupuis.apinc.org "La Bibliothèque électronique du Québec"] )
* " [http://www.assnat.qc.ca/fra/membres/notices/o-p/PAPILJ.htm Louis-Joseph Papineau] " in the Web site of the [http://www.assnat.qc.ca Québec National Assembly]
* [http://agora.qc.ca/mot.nsf/Dossiers/Louis-Joseph_Papineau "Dossier Louis-Joseph Papineau"] , in "L'Encyclopédie de l'Agora"Tribute
Louis Fréchette . " [http://agora.qc.ca/reftext.nsf/Documents/Papineau--Papineau_par_Louis_Frechette Papineau] ", in "Pêle-mêle: fantaisies et souvenirs poétiques", Montréal, Compagnie d'impression et de publication Lovell, 1877, p. 15-22 [Poem online through the Web site of L'Encyclopédie de l'Agora] (poem)
* Louis Fréchette. [http://jydupuis.apinc.org/pdf/frechette-t3.pdf "Papineau"] , edition of [http://jydupuis.apinc.org "La Bibliothèque électronique du Québec"] (play)Others
* François Labonté (2004). "Alias Anthony St. John. Les patriotes canadiens aux États-Unis, décembre 1837 - mai 1838", Sainte-Foy, Presses de l'Université Laval ISBN 276378139X
* Yvan Lamonde and Claude Larin (1998). "Bibliographie chronologique des études sur Louis-Joseph Papineau", in "Louis-Joseph Papineau. Un demi-siècle de combats. Interventions publiques", Éditions Fides, pages 656-662 (covers all works published between 1871 and 1997)
* [http://www.nfb.ca/trouverunfilm/fichefilm.php?id=727&v=h&lg=fr "Louis-Joseph Papineau - Le demi-dieu"] , documentary of the NFB directed by Louis-Georges Carrier, scenario by Guy Dufresne, 1961, 26 min 08Notes
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