- Area code 614
Area code 614, which had covered the entire southeastern quarter of the state of
Ohio for decades, now represents only the Columbusmetropolitan area ; it is one of the original area codes established in 1947. In1998 , most of the old 614 territory was split into the newarea code 740 . In 2001, it was announced that 614 would run out of phone numbers, and it was decided that a new area code 380 would be overlaid over 614 with the same geographic boundaries, and 10-digit dialing was made optional. It was planned that after a year, 10-digit dialing would become mandatory and new 380 numbers would be issued. In the intervening time, the growth offax machines andmobile phone s dropped significantly, and new relief efforts such asnumber pooling were instituted, and it seemed that a new area code would not be necessary in the immediate future. In early2002 , the 380 overlay plan was suspended indefinitely. 10-digit dialing remains optional, and the 380 area code remains reserved for Columbus but not used,as of 2008 .ee also
List of NANP area codes External links
* [http://www.lincmad.com/oldnews.html LincMad's Area Code Splits] with details on 740 split
* [http://www.areacode-info.com/headline/2001/oh010627.htm PUCO announcement] of 380 overlay
* [http://www.areacode-info.com/headline/2002/oh020314.htm PUCO announcement] of 380 suspension
* [http://www.att.com/gen/general?pid=1519 AT&T Current status of Ohio's area codes]Area Code Box 0 | State = OH | This = area code 614
N = 740
S = 740
W = 740, 937
E = 740
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