- James Olds
James Olds (1922-1976) co-discovered the
pleasure center of the brain with Peter Milner, while he was a postdoctoral fellow at McGill University. He is considered to be one of the founders of modern neuroscience [ [http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/biomems/jolds.html James Olds, May 30, 1922—August 21, 1976 | By Richard F. Thompson | Biographical Memoirs ] ] [ [http://mrw.interscience.wiley.com/ecs/articles/s00466/frame.html Olds, James ] ] [ [http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-75649/human-nervous-system#942261.hook human nervous system :: Reward and punishment - Britannica Online Encyclopedia ] ] and received numerous distinctions ranging from election to theUnited States National Academy of Sciences to theNewcomb Cleveland Prize of theAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science .Early life and education
Olds was born in
Springfield, Illinois . His fatherLeland Olds later became Chairman of theFederal Power Commission under PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt . His grandfatherGeorge D. Olds was the ninth President ofAmherst College . Olds grew up inNyack, New York . Olds attended college at a number of schools including St. John's College, Annapolis, and theUniversity of Wisconsin , but received his undergraduate B.A. from Amherst College in 1947. His undergraduate years were interrupted by military service in the U.S. Army during theSecond World War as part of thePersian Gulf Command . Following the war, Olds went on to get his Ph.D. atHarvard University in the Department of Psychology under ProfessorRichard Solomon . His thesis was focused on motivation and led to his subsequent interest in the biological basis of motivation. [The Acquisition of Motives, James Olds 1952, Harvard University Thesis]cientific career
Following his Ph.D., Olds went on to do postdoctoral work at
McGill University underDonald Olding Hebb , where he made his most important discovery with Peter Milner. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/happiness_formula/4880272.stm BBC NEWS | Programmes | Happiness Formula | Searching the brain for happiness ] ] Subsequently Olds moved toUCLA , where he took his first academic appointment at the Brain Research Institute. [ [http://www.bri.ucla.edu/bri_who/History_of_the_BRI.asp History of the Brain Research Institute] ] In 1957 Olds was appointed associate professor in the Department of Psychology at theUniversity of Michigan . [ [http://ajplegacy.physiology.org/cgi/content/abstract/199/6/965 J. Olds, 1960. Approach-avoidance dissociations in rat brain. American Journal of Physiology 199:965-968] ] He left Michigan in 1969 to become the Bing Professor of Behavioral Biology at theCalifornia Institute of Technology [ [http://biology.caltech.edu/about/history/1960s.html About the Division of Biology] ] where he continued his research and led a large lab until his untimely death in a swimming accident in August 1976. His last work was aimed at understanding the mechanisms of learning and memory.elected bibliography
* 1954 Olds, J., and P. Milner. Positive reinforcement produced by electrical stimulation of septal area and other regions of rat brain. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 47:419-27.
* 1955 Olds, J. "Reward" from brain stimulation in the rat. Science 122:878.
* 1956 Olds, J. Runway and maze behavior controlled by basomedial forebrain stimulation in the rat. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 49:507-12.
* 1956 Olds, J., K. F. Killiam, and P. Bach-Y-Rita. Self-stimulation of the brain used as a screening method for tranquilizing drugs. Science 124:265-66.
* 1956 Olds, J. Pleasure center in the brain. Sci. Am. 195: 105-16.
* 1958 Olds, J. Self-stimulation of the brain. Science 127:315-24.
* 1958 Olds, J., and M. E. Olds. Positive reinforcement produced by stimulating hypothalamus with iproniazid and other compounds. Science 127:1175-76.
* 1965 "Operant conditioning of single unit responses". Proc. 23rd Congr. Physiological Sciences. Excerpta Med. Int. Congr. Ser. no. 87, , pp. 372-80.
* 1967 The limbic system and behavioural reinforcement. Prog. Brain Res. 27 144-64.
* "The central nervous system and the reinforcement of behaviour". Am. Psychol. 24 (1969) 114-32.* 1969 Olds, J., and Hirano, T.: "Conditioned responses of hippocampal and other neurons." Electroencephalogr. clin. Neurophysiol. 26 159-66.
* 1969 Olds, J., and Best, P. J.: "Single unit patterns during anticipatory behaviour". Electroencephalogr. clin. Neurophysiol. 26 144-58.
* 1972 Olds, J., Disterhoft, J. F., Segal, M., Kornblith, C. L., and Hirsh, R.: "Learning centres of rat brain mapped by measuring latencies of conditioned unit responses". J. Neurophysiol. 35 202-19.
* "Drives and reinforcements" Raven Books ISBN- 0-89004-087-7 (1977)
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