Al Weiss

Al Weiss

Allen R. "Al" Weiss is president of worldwide operations for Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, the division of The Walt Disney Company that operates nine theme parks and multiple resort hotels at four sites around the world (two theme parks in California, four in Florida, two in France, and one in Hong Kong).

Before he was appointed to his current role in November 2005, Weiss served as president of Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida since 1996. He was named executive vice president of the Florida resort in 1994. Meg Crofton succeeded Weiss as president of Walt Disney World Resort in 2006. Weiss began his Disney career as an 18-year-old Walt Disney World cast member in 1972. His first job was a "z-runner", a financial analyst who zeroed out cash registers at the end of shifts. He received a bachelor's degree from the University of Central Florida and an MBA from Rollins College.

Weiss served as the 2004-2005 chairman of the Metro-Orlando Economic Development Commission, and is a trustee with the University of Central Florida and Stetson University. He resides in Kissimmee, Florida with his wife, Doreen.

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