Kalle Kotipsykiatri

Kalle Kotipsykiatri

"Kalle Kotipsykiatri" ("Kalle, the home psychiatrist") was a Finnish language chatterbot program, giving an impression of Artificial Intelligence. It was published in the first issue of "MikroBitti" in May 1984. The program had been written by Pekka Tolonen for the Apple II home computer, and it was ported to the Commodore 64 by Jyrki Kasvi [Kasvi, Jyrki J. J.: "Kalle Kotipsykiatri". "MikroBitti" May 1984] .

The first issue of "MikroBitti" contained a long article about Artificial Intelligence and the "Kalle Kotipsykiatri" program. The magazine published a complete type-in program listing in BASIC, but because Tolonen had included a routine to handle profanity, the magazine staff had censored part of the code. As a consequence, the program did not work as typed in, and "MikroBitti" was forced to patch the published listing for years [Saarikoski, Petri: [http://www.widerscreen.fi/2003/2-3/mikrosukupolven_kansanedustaja_kasvin_haastattelu.htm Interview with Jyrki J. J. Kasvi: An M.P. from the microcomputer generation] 2-3/2003. Wider Screen. (Referred 21 March 2007)] .

"Kalle Kotipsykiatri" was based on the psychotherapy simulator program "ELIZA", written in 1966 by Joseph Weizenbaum [Suominen, Jaakko: "Computerphobia as a manifestation of a technological viewpoint". Master's thesis, University of Turku, 1997. [http://www.tuug.fi/~jaakko/tutkimus/gradu/ Online version] ]


As well as the Apple II and the Commodore 64, Pekka Tolonen has ported "Kalle Kotipsykiatri" to the Commodore VIC-20 [ [http://www.ntrautanen.fi/computers/commodore/archive/vic_viihde.htm The Commodore Archive: VIC-20 entertainment programs] . NT Rautanen Tietokonesivut. (Referred March 21 2007)] and Mikroilijat RY has ported it to the Spectravideo SV-328.

Other artificial personalities based on the Kalle code are Yrtsi (a punk dude) and the Erotic Artificial Personality Lulu. Lulu was featured in the "Thinking Machines" exhibition in the science centre Heureka, and as first in Finland, demonstrated the capabilities of an Atari home computer in interactive audio/video/speech synthesis. Pekka Tolonen is employed in the Second Life web community who? and is developing body language animations based on the Kalle 2.0 technology, that automatically interpret the user's reactions.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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