- 2005 Kuşadası bus bombing
Infobox terrorist attack
title=Kuşadası bus bombing
location=Kuşadası ,Turkey
target=Civilian passenger/tourist minibus
date=16 July 2005
perps=The Kuşadası minibus bombing occurred on
July 16 2005 , when a minibus carrying locals and tourists to the town's famous "Ladies Beach" exploded inKuşadası ,Turkey .The blast came six days after a bombing in the nearby town of
Çeşme , which had left at least 20 people injured. [cite web| url = http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4688575.stm News:|title=Turkish resort blast kills five |publisher=BBC News |Date=2006-16-7|language=English] Two months earlier, on30 April , a police officer, chiefsuperintendent Yaşar Aykaç, had lost his life while he was trying to defuse a bomb placed in aplastic bag in a Kuşadası town square.The Kurdish rebel group
PKK was initially suspected of carrying out the bombing but they denied being involved in the attack, although the bombing is believed to be associated to theTurkey-PKK conflict [cite web| url = http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4691755.stm News:|title=Kurds 'deny' Turkey resort bomb|publisher=BBC News |Date=2006-16-7|language=English] .A suspect was arrested in
İstanbul on8 April 2006 .Victims
Five people were killed in the blast. These included three Turkish nationals: Deniz Tutum (21), a native of Kuşadası whose funeral was also held in the town, Eda Okyay and Ufuk Yücedeniz, both 23 and fiancées on a weekend excursion from İzmir, and two tourists: Helen Bennett (23), of
Durham inEngland andTara Whelan (17), ofWaterford inIreland . [cite web| url = http://edition.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/07/18/turkey.blast/index.html News: | title=Tributes for Turkish blast victims|publisher=CNN |Date=2005-7-18|language=English] [ The Irish Tara Whelan should not be confused with theBritish Telecom engineer Tara Whelan, who died in atelegraph pole accident inBristol in May 2001 and who made the headlines during the ensuing prosecution brought against her employer by the CWU and the verdict pronounced in 2006. cite web| url = http://www.cwu-ccc.org/hse/tara_whelan_bt_trial.html News:|title= BT Cleared Over Death of Engineer Tara Whelan|publisher=CWU|date=2006-11-13|language=English] . A total of fourteen people were injured, eight Turks and six British tourists. Seven people, including all but one of the British citizens, had their conditions judged serious enough to be transported toEge University hospital inİzmir [cite web|url= http://ya2005.yeniasir.com.tr/07/17/index.php3?kat=ana&sayfa=ilks2&bolum=gunluk News:| title=Terörün çirkin yüzü ("The ugly face of terror")|publisher=Yeni Asır , İzmir|Date=2005-7-18|language=Turkish] .Tara Whelan's funeral in her hometown as well as the aftermath for all concerned was covered with particular emphasis by the national media in Ireland [cite web| url = http://www.rte.ie/news/2005/0721/turkey.html News:|title=Funeral of bomb victim in
County Waterford |publisher=RTE Ireland |date=2005-7-21|language=English] [cite web| url = http://archives.tcm.ie/waterfordnews/2006/07/12/story22490.asp News:|title=Life is empty for Whelan family without Tara|publisher=Waterford News and Star|date=2006-7-12|language=English]External links
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