- Government Legal Service
The Government Legal Service (GLS) is an umbrella group comprising around 1900 qualified
lawyers working ascivil servant s in around thirtyUK Government departments.The
Treasury Solicitor (currently Paul Jenkins) is also the Head of the Government Legal Service. GLS lawyers are mostly employed by the department in which they work, or by theTreasury Solicitor's Department (TSol). The GLS brand is used primarily forrecruitment purposes and for offering training and support to GLS lawyers. The GLS Secretariat supports the work of lawyers across the GLS by providing central library services and for anintranet system,Legal Information Online Network , or LION, which can be accessed by all Government lawyers, and gives access to commercial legal databases and information and articles relevant to Government legal work.Lawyers in the Government Legal Service:
* InstructParliamentary Counsel to draft almost allUK primary legislation .
* Draft the vast majority ofstatutory instruments andsecondary legislation in theUK .
* Ensure European Union law is correctly implemented into UK law
* AdviseDepartments of the United Kingdom Government on the formulation and implementation of policy
* Provide litigation services toDepartments of the United Kingdom Government and the wider public sectorThere is a separate Government Legal Service for Scotland.
External resources
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.