Vodka tonic

Vodka tonic

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name = Vodka tonic

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type = cocktail
flaming =
vodka = yes
served = rocks
garnish = citrus fruit, usually lime or lemon
drinkware = highball glass
ingredients = *One part vodka
*One to three parts tonic water, to taste
prep = Mix and serve-stirred, not shaken.
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A vodka tonic is an alcoholic drink made with varying proportions of vodka and tonic water. Vodka tonics are frequently garnished with a slice of lime.

In the UK, the drink is sometimes referred to by the initials of Vodka And Tonic, VAT. This is a play on the more commonly known abbreviation for Value Added Tax.

One commonly used recipe is one part vodka and one part tonic water in a tumbler over ice, with a generous lime wedge squeezed into it.

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