- The Boyd Company, Inc.
The Boyd Company, Inc., is a corporate site selection firm founded in
Princeton, New Jersey , in 1975.Boyd provides location counsel throughout North America for corporations seeking new manufacturing, office, research, and distribution sites. Boyd clients include
PepsiCo ,Time Inc. ,JP Morgan Chase ,Pratt & Whitney ,Visa International , and others. Boyd's findings and business climate analyses are routinely cited in newspaper and business publications nationwide.References
These are news articles from the company's archives.
* [http://www.theboydcompany.com/Archived%20Sites/Data_Center_Journal_Space.pdf "Data Center Space May Become Harder to Find" (.pdf)]
* [http://www.theboydcompany.com/Archived%20Sites/bergen_record_10_10_06.pdf "N.J. Fighting to Keep Jobs from Leaving" (.pdf)]
* [http://www.theboydcompany.com/Archived%20Sites/austinamericanstatesman5-7-2006.htm "Charter Amendments Spur Debate on Incentives"]
* [http://www.theboydcompany.com/Archived%20Sites/ShowPR.aspx.htm "Asia's Emerging R&D Hotspots"]
* [http://www.theboydcompany.com/Archived%20Sites/Bloomberg%20News.htm "Delaware Residents Say MBNA's Takeover Will Cost Jobs, Revenue"]
* [http://www.theboydcompany.com/Archived%20Sites/palmbeachpost%207-18-05.htm "Storms Plunge Panhandle into Tug of War for its Soul"]
* [http://www.theboydcompany.com/Archived%20Sites/Bizweek%20Full.htm "Rewriting the Location Handbook"]
* [http://www.theboydcompany.com/Archived%20Sites/Wall%20Street%20Journal.htm "Global Goods Jugglers..."]
* [http://www.theboydcompany.com/Archived%20Sites/Las%20Vegas%20Review%20Journal%20Print%20Version.htm "No Personal Income Tax in Las Vegas Helps Lure Businesses"]External links
* [http://www.theboydcompany.com/ Company website]
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