

Infobox Commune Cambodia
name= Treas
province=Banteay Meanchey
district= Svay Chek District

Treas is a khum (commune) of Svay Chek District in Banteay Meanchey Province in north-western Cambodia [ [] ]


Thmei, Chaeng, Doun Nouy, Prei, Ponley Chas, Treas, Ampil Prong, Ou Kakaoh, Ta Voek


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  • treas|ur|er — «TREHZH uhr uhr, TRAY zhuhr », noun. a person in charge of money. The treasurer of a club, society, corporation, or government body pays its bills. Abbr: treas …   Useful english dictionary

  • treas — abbrev. 1. treasurer 2. treasury * * * …   Universalium

  • treas — abbrev. 1. treasurer 2. treasury …   English World dictionary

  • Treas|ur|ys — «TREHZH uhr eez, TRAY zhuhr », noun (plural). U.S. bonds or other securities issued by the treasury …   Useful english dictionary

  • treas|ur|y — «TREHZH uhr ee, TRAY zhuhr », noun, plural ur|ies. 1. a building, room, or other place where money or valuables are kept for security. 2. money owned; funds: »We voted to pay for the party out of the club treasury. 3. Also, Treasury. the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • treas. — 1. treasurer. 2. treasury. Also, Treas. * * * abbrev Treasurer * * * treas., 1. treasurer. 2. treasury. * * * abbr. ■ treasurer ■ (also Treas.) Treasury …   Useful english dictionary

  • treas. — 1. treasurer. 2. treasury. Also, Treas. * * * …   Universalium

  • treas — abbreviation treasurer; treasury * * * treas, treasance see trace n.2, tresance Obs …   Useful english dictionary

  • treas´ur|a|ble — treas|ure «TREHZH uhr, TRAY zhuhr», noun, verb, ured, ur|ing. –n. 1. wealth or riches stored up; valuable things: »The pirates buried treasure along the coast. The palace contains treasures. 2. Figurative. any thing or person that is much loved… …   Useful english dictionary

  • treas|ure — «TREHZH uhr, TRAY zhuhr», noun, verb, ured, ur|ing. –n. 1. wealth or riches stored up; valuable things: »The pirates buried treasure along the coast. The palace contains treasures. 2. Figurative. any thing or person that is much loved or valued:… …   Useful english dictionary

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