foreign currency account — ➔ account1 * * * foreign currency account UK US noun [C] BANKING ► a bank account for foreign currency: »A foreign currency account can save considerable time and money for people who have to make financial transactions abroad … Financial and business terms
foreign currency account — bank account containing foreign currency … English contemporary dictionary
foreign currency account — /ˌfɒrɪn kʌrənsi əˌkaυnt/ noun a bank account in the currency of another country, e.g. a dollar account in a British bank … Marketing dictionary in english
foreign currency account — /ˌfɒrɪn kʌrənsi əˌkaυnt/ noun a bank account in the currency of another country, e.g. a dollar account in a British bank … Dictionary of banking and finance
foreign currency balances — state of a bank account containing foreign currency … English contemporary dictionary
Foreign currency denominated account — Eurocurrency is the term used to describe deposits residing in banks that are located outside the borders of the country that issues the currency the deposit is denominated in. For example a deposit denominated in US dollars residing in a… … Wikipedia
deposits in foreign currency — sums of foreign currency place in a bank account … English contemporary dictionary
account — a record of a business transaction. When you buy something on credit, the company you are dealing with sets up an account . This means it sets up a record of what you buy and what you pay. You will do the same thing with any customers to whom you … Financial and business terms
Foreign-exchange reserves — Foreign exchange Exchange rates Currency band Exchange rate Exchange rate regime Exchange rate flexibility Dollarization Fixed exchange rate Floating exchange rate Linked exchange rate Managed float regime Markets Foreign exchange market Futures… … Wikipedia
Foreign exchange reserves — (also called Forex reserves) in a strict sense are only the foreign currency deposits held by central banks and monetary authorities. However, the term in popular usage commonly includes foreign exchange and gold, SDRs and IMF reserve positions.… … Wikipedia