

Winchell is a surname. It may refer to:


*April Winchell, actress, writer, host and commentator
*Barry Winchell, infantryman in the U.S. Army linked to the "don't ask, don't tell" policy
*Lynn Winchell, former "Playboy" playmate of the month
*Newton Horace Winchell, geologist
*Paul Winchell, ventriloquist
*Verne Winchell, founder of Winchell's Donuts
*Walter Winchell, journalist


*Winchell's Donuts, a donut company
*Mount Winchell, California

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  • Winchell — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alexander Winchell (1824−1891), US amerikanischer Geologe und Paläontologe Alexander Newton Winchell (1874−1958), US amerikanischer Geologe und Mineraloge Newton Horace Winchell (1839−1914), US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Winchell —   [ wɪntʃel], Alexander Newton, amerikanischer Mineraloge und Geologe, * Minneapolis (Minnesota) 2. 3. 1874, ✝ New Haven (Connecticut) 7. 6. 1958; war 1900 07 Professor an der Montana School of Mines, 1907 44 an der University of Wisconsin, 1948… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Winchell — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Ornithologie Martin chasseur de Winchell, espèce d oiseau de la famille des Alcedinidae. Patronyme Winchell est un nom de famille notamment porté… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • WINCHELL, WALTER — (1897–1972), U.S. newspaper columnist. Winchell, a New Yorker by birth, began contributing theatrical gossip to the house organ of a theater chain when he was a young vaudeville actor. This led the New York Graphic to give him his own column, On… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Winchell (Rebsorte) — Winchell ist eine im Jahr 1850 selektierte weiße Rebsorte. Sie ist vermutlich eine spontane Kreuzung zwischen den Wildreben Vitis labrusca und Vitis vinifera, die von James Milton Clough in Stamford, Vermont selektiert wurde. An der Cornell… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Winchell's Donuts — es una empresa internacional de franquicia de rosquillas establecida por Verne Winchell el 8 de Octubre de 1948, en Temple City, California, Estados Unidos. Hasta el 2006, existían alrededor de 170 tiendas en 12 estados del oeste de Estados… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Winchell's Donuts — The chain s slogan is Home of the Warm n Fresh Donut, and it claims to be the West Coast s largest doughnut chain. It also offers its customers a 14 doughnut dozen, as opposed to the standard baker s dozen of 13.Winchell s offers over 70… …   Wikipedia

  • Winchell, Walter — orig. Walter Winchel born April 7, 1897, New York, N.Y., U.S. died Feb. 20, 1972, Los Angeles, Calif. U.S. journalist and broadcaster. He entered vaudeville at age 13 and eventually began contributing tidbits to the Vaudeville News. Later, as a… …   Universalium

  • Winchell, Walter — (1897 1972)    Born in New York as Walter Wincheles, he worked as a child actor in vaudeville with Gus Edwards s kid act. Winchell later became the most powerful of the Broadway newspaper columnists. In 1922, Winchell worked as a reporter for The …   The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater

  • Winchell, Paul — ▪ 2006 Paul Wilchin        American ventriloquist and voice over artist (b. Dec. 21, 1922, New York, N.Y. d. June 24, 2005, Moorpark, Calif.), was a familiar presence on television in the 1950s and 60s, appearing first with his wisecracking dummy …   Universalium

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