Jalal ad-Din — (Arabic: جلال الدین ), popular variant of Jalaluddin, is a male Muslim given name (first name), formed from the name Jalal with the qualification ad Din. It may refer to, in chronological order: Jalal ad Din Mingburnu (died 1231), last ruler of… … Wikipedia
'Izz al-Din ibn Rukn al-Din Mahmud — Izz al Din (died September 29, 1382) was the Mihrabanid malik of Sistan from 1352 until 1380. He was the son of Rukn al Din Mahmud. Biography Izz al Din was appointed as malik by the notables of Sistan in 1352 after the death of Jalal al Din… … Wikipedia
Mahmud Shabistari — Mahmūd Shabistarī (1288 – 1340) (Persian: محمود شبستری) is one of the most celebrated Persian[1][2][3] Sufi poets of the 14th century.[4] Contents 1 … Wikipedia
Taj al-Din ibn Qutb al-Din — Taj al Din (d. 1351) was the Mihrabanid malik of Sistan from 1346 until 1350. He was the son of Qutb al Din Muhammad.BiographyUnder his father, Taj al Din had served as the governor of the town of Uq. After Qutb al Din s death in 1346 he gained… … Wikipedia
Qotb al-Din Shirazi — Muslim Iranian scholar Qotb al Din Shirazi Photo taken from medieval manuscript by Qotbeddin Shirazi. The image depicts an epicyclic planetary model. Born 1236AD … Wikipedia
Qutb al-Din Muhammad ibn Shams al-Din Shah 'Ali — Qutb al Din Muhammad (b. c. 1366, d. February 11, 1419) was the Mihrabanid malik of Sistan from 1403 until his death. He was the son of Shams al Din Shah Ali.BiographyQutb al Din s father had served as the malik Shah i Shahan s representative in… … Wikipedia
Farid al-din attar — Farīd al Dīn ʿAṭṭār (en persan : فَریدالدّین ابوحامِد محمّد عطّار نِیشابوری, farīd ad dīn abū ḥāmid moḥammed ʿaṭṭār nīšābūrī), poète persan, (v. 1142 1220), né à Nichapour dans le Khorassan, où se trouve son tombeau … Wikipédia en Français
Farīd-ad-Dīn 'Attar — Farid Al Din Attar Farīd al Dīn ʿAṭṭār (en persan : فَریدالدّین ابوحامِد محمّد عطّار نِیشابوری, farīd ad dīn abū ḥāmid moḥammed ʿaṭṭār nīšābūrī), poète persan, (v. 1142 1220), né à Nichapour dans le Khorassan, où se trouve son tombeau … Wikipédia en Français
Farid Al-Din Attar — Farīd al Dīn ʿAṭṭār (en persan : فَریدالدّین ابوحامِد محمّد عطّار نِیشابوری, farīd ad dīn abū ḥāmid moḥammed ʿaṭṭār nīšābūrī) fut un poète persan, (v. 1142 mort entre 1190 et 1229), né à Nichapur dans le Khorassan, où se trouve son tombeau … Wikipédia en Français
Jamal al-Din 'Ali Khalji — A Khalji noble who rose to promi nence during Balban s reign (1266 1286). He served Balban as his personal hajib during Nasir al Din Mahmud s reign (1246 1266). In 1260, Balban had sent him as his personal representative to the Mon gol court.… … Historical dictionary of Medieval India