Tan Phan

Tan Phan

Tan Phan was born in 1953. Phan is currently an instructor at University of California, Irvine.

From 2000 to 2006, Phan taught full time at San Diego State University (SDSU). She taught several courses but her focus was on educational psychology and special education with a focus on strategies in helping students with diverse learning needs.

Earlier career

Phan’s career which started as a counselor with special emphasis on cross-cultural understandings of learning disabilities, and she has over time evolved to embrace issues of gender and sexuality, in the process, becoming a strong advocate for multicultural approaches to learning theories.

From 2000 to 2006, Phan taught full time at San Diego State University (SDSU). She taught several courses but her focus was on educational psychology and Special Education, with a focus on strategies in helping students with diverse learning needs.


Following the completion of an MA degree with a major in Education Psychology at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia-Canada, Phan entered the PhD program in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction in 1995. She completed her course work and wrote a comprehensive examination, which consist of three journal manuscripts in the first year of the doctoral program. She conceived and defended her thesis proposal, as well as continuing to work, as she had done since her arrival, as a research assistant for Dr. John Willinsky. During this time, Dr. Phan presented four papers at international conferences, three of them to the competitive American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting. She did the University Graduate Fellowship (UGF) in her second and third year of the doctoral program. In 2000, Phan successfully defended her doctoral dissertation. The entire sequence took just under five years.


Tan Phan’s scholarly work provides perspectives on the intersections of gender, race and ethnicity and social networks through discourse analysis and the role of narrative in the construction of difference, inequality and power. Her inquiry on“Feminist Perspectives on Patriarchal Folktales: Locating a Space for Storytelling,” focuses on social development in the context of families, schools, and communities and cultures. She has a continuing research program that explores the resiliency of Vietnamese immigrant students, centering upon risk and resilience of urban dwelling immigrants in Canada and the United States. In a related line of research, she has identified strategies Vietnamese parents use to support the academic achievement of their children. She has also explored the perception of “self” of the Vietnamese American students. Her research agenda thus far, has resulted in 12 single-authored manuscripts in prestigious peer-reviewed journals and edited books. Presently, she has submitted for publication a book length manuscript “Tapestry of Resilient Lives: Socio-Cultural Explorations of Ten Vietnamese-Canadian Youths” based on her dissertation research. Presently, a book “Parent-Child Development: A multicultural Perspective and four manuscripts are in preparation.


Phan has been awarded several research grants.


She has made numerous presentations at national and international research conferences, including the Sciences and Psychology Conference, the American Educational Research Association and the Canadian Educational Research Association.

External links

EDCI Graduate Programs, [http://www.ccfi.educ.ubc.ca/edci/people/studentprofiles/tphan.htm]

RESILIENCE AS A COPING MECHANISM: A Common Story of Vietnamese ... [http://www.springerlink.com/content/l311g87650q01365/]

Life in School: Narratives of Resiliency among Vietnamese-Canadian ... [http://www.questia.com/googleScholar.qst;jsessionid=H6lJ1F2JspLSlLWnRfS8pGwHmq0fBKDQ4nK5nT2vYQwxzyBLD7xt!1042496409?docId=5002082056]

If Only We Knew
* [http://books.google.com/books?id=QeO54jEpEOUC&pg=PP9&dq=tan+phan&sig=rwvRsTtNqqtZAP6scNVn0jWEls4#PPP11,M1]

Journal of Authentic Learning
* [http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=abstract&id=124962&toc=ysource=web&ots=sdgssb7gq_&sig=lJe-GBEfnY0xwIGP_eeDnrpvTrM]

Pedagogy of Liberation:
Ways of Mothering that Support ... [http://radicalpedagogy.icaap.org/content/issue7_1/phan.html]

CSEAR Student Research
* [http://www.iar.ubc.ca/centres/csear/studentresearch.htm]

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