Steinberg group (K-theory)

Steinberg group (K-theory)

In algebraic K-theory, a field of mathematics, the Steinberg group operatorname{St}(A) of a ring "A", is the universal central extension of the commutator subgroup of the stable general linear group.

It is named after Robert Steinberg, and is connected with lower K-groups, notably K_2 and K_3.


Abstractly, given a ring "A", the Steinberg group operatorname{St}(A) is the universal central extension of the commutator subgroup of the stable general linear group (the commutator subgroup is perfect, hence has a universal central extension).

Concretely, it can also be described by generators and relations.

teinberg relations

Elementary matrices—meaning matrices of the form e_{pq}(lambda) := mathbf{1} + a_{pq}(lambda), where mathbf{1} is the identity matrix, a_{pq}(lambda) is the matrix with lambda in the (p,q) entry and zeros elsewhere, and p eq q—satisfy the following relations, called the Steinberg relations:

:egin{align}e_{ij}(lambda) e_{ij}(mu) &= e_{ij}(lambda+mu) \left [ e_{ij}(lambda),e_{jk}(mu) ight] &= e_{ik}(lambda mu) && mbox{for } i eq k\left [ e_{ij}(lambda),e_{kl}(mu) ight] &= mathbf{1} && mbox{for } i eq l, j eq k\end{align}

The unstable Steinberg group of order "r" over "A", operatorname{St}_r(A), is defined by the generatorsx_{ij}(lambda), 1leq i,jleq r, i eq j, lambda in A, subject to the Steinberg relations. The stable Steinberg group, operatorname{St}(A), is the direct limit of the system operatorname{St}_r(A) o operatorname{St}_{r+1}(A). It can also be thought of as the Steinberg group of infinite order.

Mapping x_{ij}(lambda) mapsto e_{ij}(lambda) yields a group homomorphism

:varphicolonoperatorname{St}(A) ooperatorname{GL}(A).

As the elementary matrices generate the commutator subgroup, this map is onto the commutator subgroup.

Relation to K-theory


K_1(A) is the cokernel of the map varphicolonoperatorname{St}(A) o operatorname{GL}(A), as K_1 is the abelianization of operatorname{GL}(A) and varphi is onto the commutator subgroup.


K_2(A) is the center of the Steinberg group; this was Milnor's definition, and also follows from more general definitions of higher K-groups.

It is also the kernel of the map varphicolonoperatorname{St}(A) ooperatorname{GL}(A), and indeed there is an exact sequence:1longrightarrowK_2(A) longrightarrowoperatorname{St}(A) longrightarrowoperatorname{GL}(A) longrightarrowK_1(A)longrightarrow 1.

Equivalently, it is the Schur multiplier of the group of elementary matrices, and thus is also a homology group: K_2(A) = H_2(operatorname{E}(A),mathbf{Z}).


K_3 of a ring is H_3 of the Steinberg group.

This result is proven is the eponymous paper:
* cite journal
title=K_3 of a Ring is H_3 of the Steinberg Group
author=S. M. Gersten
journal=Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
date=Feb., 1973
id=JSTOR stable URL|0002-9939(197302)37%3A2%3C366%3AOARIOT%3E2.0.CO%3B2-Z

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