

The Picunche (a mapudungun word meaning "North People")cite book | last = Elliott | first = Lilian Elwyn | title = Chile Today and Tomorrow | publisher = Macmillan | date = 1922 | location = | pages = Page 312 | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=N6UOAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA312&dq=Picunche+-wikipedia+people&as_brr=1&ie=ISO-8859-1 | doi = | id = ] , also referred to as "picones" by the Spanish, were a mapudungun speaking Chilean people living to the north of the "Mapuche" or Araucanians (a name given to those Mapuche living between the Itata and Toltén Rivers) and south of the Choapa River and the Diaguitas. Until the Conquest of Chile the Itata was the natural limit between the Mapuche, located to the south, and Picunche, to the north. During the Inca attempt to conquer Chile the southern Picunche peoples that successfully resisted them were later known as the Promaucaes.

The Picunche living north of the Promaucaes, were called "Quillotanes" [ Juan Ignacio Molina, Compendio de la historia civil del reyno de Chile, pg. 9. Named for Quillota, one of the settlements of the Inca Empire in Chile.] (those living in the Aconcagua River valley north to the Choapa) and "Mapochoes" (those living in the Maipo River basin) by the Spanish, and were part of the Inca Empire at the time when the first Spaniards arrived in Chile.

Among the peoples the Spanish called the Promaucaes the people of the Rapel River valley were particularly called by this name by the Spanish [ Juan Ignacio Molina, Compendio de la historia civil del reyno de Chile, pg. 9. ] . Those of the Mataquito River valley were called the "Cures" [ Juan Ignacio Molina, Compendio de la historia civil del reyno de Chile, pg. 9. ] . The people in the Maule River valley and to the south were distinguished as "Maules" and those to the south of the Maules and north of the Itata were known as "Cauqui" by the Inca [ Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Comentarios reales, 2da_VII_20 20 ] and "Cauquenes" by the Spanish [ Juan Ignacio Molina, Compendio de la historia civil del reyno de Chile, pg. 9. ] and that gave their name to Cauquenes River.


The Picunches primary crops consisted of corn and potatoes, and they lived in wooden houses.


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