Angola-Cuba Declaration of 1984

Angola-Cuba Declaration of 1984

The Angola-Cuba Declaration of 1984 endorsed the U.S. policy linking the withdrawal of Cuban troops, in the service of the local government, from Angola to the withdrawal of South African troops, aiding UNITA rebels, from Angola and Namibia. Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos and Cuban leader Fidel Castro signed the declaration in Havana, Cuba on March 19, 1984.cite book|last=Osmanczyk|first=Edmund Jan|year=2002|title=Encyclopedia of the United Nations and International Agreements|pages=96]


Cuba formally agreed to withdraw all of its troops from Angola in 1988 through the Brazzaville Protocol. The last troop left in 1991. South Africa granted Namibia independence through the New York Accords.Fact|date=January 2008

ee also

*Alvor Accords
*Bicesse Accords
*Nakuru Agreement


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