- Priz-One
PRIZ-ONE (b. Ramon Augustine Martinez in
Cuba onAugust 25 ,1964 ) is the graffiti tag of a Cuban-American commercial artist, illustrator, and ex-golden glove boxer.History
Martinez's parents immigrated to
New York City during the turbulent Castro era. Martinez started street bombing under various aliases such as RM/MR, SWAN-ONE, PRISM as well as PRIZM, above ground and below Riverside Park. He started "motioning" on the inside of an IRT Broadway no. 1 train in the summer of 1979. His self-taught progression to painting subway car exteriors did not reach its full potential until several years later. While attending P.S. 9 located on the Upper West Side, he became heavily influenced by Dean and Jean13 as well as other writers from Brandeis High School, who would later be known as "BYB" the (Bad Yard Boys).His tag pseudonym of Priz/Priz-One originated from the Prisma font of a letterset/
typography book that was given as a gift by his high school art teacher because of the potential the teacher saw in Martinez’s black books.In the early '80s Martinez was befriended by STAN-ONE, an older seasoned Broadway writer who was also president of a well-known graffiti crew called TS5/TSF (The Spanish Five). Martinez began teaming up with several members of TS5 on writing ventures and gaining access to layups and yards. Throughout his writing career he would be accepted into numerous graffiti crews. In the late '80s Martinez would be granted membership to CAC (Cool Art Creators), where he still holds a prominent role.
Though his passion is for his artform, he has broadened his vision by presenting works in books and video. Priz-One has been interviewed for several websites, ezines and in the world renowned New York Times.
He is presently Vice President of TS5 and continues to paint legally commissioned murals throughout the five boroughs with his partner STAN-ONE.
* [http://www.findtatoos.co.uk/graffiti_info.htm History of Graffiti]
* [http://nmed2005.blogspot.com/2007/04/alternative-cultures-design.html "Design Fundamentals for New Media: Alternative Cultures & Design]External links
*Brooklyn, NY - June 11, 2004
* [http://www.at149st.com/news.html Push's 6th Annual Brooklyn Hip Hop History Celebration 2004]*New York - January 21 -February 3, 2005
* [http://www.at149st.com/news.html HISTORY IN THE MAKING PART II]Magazines
* [http://www.graffitishop.it/dettaglio.asp?CodProdotto=452 "Graffit Shop"] it
* [http://www.myspace.com/prizts5 MySpace page]
Newspaper articles
*Shadi Rahimi. [http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/05/nyregion/05graffiti.html "Cat-and-Mouse Game, With Spray Paint."] "The New York Times", August 5, 2005.
*Jen Chung. [http://gothamist.com/2005/08/05/law_graffiti_order.php "Law & Graffiti Order."] "Gothamist", August 5, 2005.
*Joseph Wendelken. [http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=17726601&BRD=2731&PAG=461&dept_id=575596&rfi=6 "Track Death Highlights Graffiti Game's Dangers."] "Queens Chronicle", January 18, 2007.Online articles
* [http://www.graffiti.org/priz_stan/index.html Artcrimes.com]
* [http://www.sixcentz.com/interviews/priz_inter.htm SixCentz.com]
* [http://www.at149st.com/cac.html Writers Bench@149st]
* [http://www.wildstylers.com/wstr/index.php?module=photoalbum&PHPWS_Album_op=view&PHPWS_Album_id=103 WS&TR Wildstylers & TazReport]
* [http://www.deepinsidethemind.com/interviews/priz%20ts5%20cac/priz%20interview.htm Deep Inside The Mind]Books
* [http://www.amazon.com/dp/3937946004 "Martha Cooper's Hip-Hop Files Photographs - 1979-1984"]
* [http://www.amazon.com/dp/0810949792 "Graffiti World: Street Art from Five Continents"]
* [http://www.90bpm.net/actualite/graffiti/after-eight-still-rollin-est-enfin-sorti.htm "After Eight - Still Rolling"]
* [http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y&EAN=9781584231738&itm=1 "Burning New York - Graffiti NYC"]
* [http://www.amazon.com/dp/0231111436 "Taking the Train"] by Joe AustinPhotographs
* [http://www.flickr.com/photos/54941393@N00/page6/ Flickr]
* [http://www.saster.net/sgallery/thumbnails.php Streets Are Saying Things]
* [http://www.paid3.com/Walls%20Revamped/Feature%20artists/FEATURE%20ARTISTS%20INTERFACE%20-%202/fEATURE-ARTISTS-2.html The New York City Aerosol Artists]
* [http://web271.webbox240.server-home.org/sitemap_cru.php?urlCountry=USA&urlCityId=292&urlCity=New%20York&urlCountryId=18 Graffitinet.com]Documentaries
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQkmkKjET4U "Just To Get a Rep"] graffiti documentary
* [http://www.graffitivideos.com/store/vgstore.html "The Original Videograf Series"]
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