Turán number

Turán number

In mathematics, the Turán number T("n","k","r") for "r"-graphs of order "n" is the smallest number of "r"-edges such that every set of "k" vertices contains an edge. This number was determined for "r" = 2 by harvtxt|Turán|1941, and the problem for general "r" was introduced in harvtxt|Turán|1961. The paper harv|Sidorenko|1995 gives a survey of Turán numbers. ́


Fix a set "X" of "n" vertices. For given "r", an r-edge or block is a set of "r"-vertices. A set of blocks is called a Turán ("n","k","r") system if every "k"-element subset of "X" contains a block.The Turán number T("n","k","r") is the minimum size of such a system.


*springer|id=T/t120190|first=A.P.|last= Godbole
*citation|first=A. |last=Sidorenko|title=What we know and what we do not know about Turán numbers|journal= Graphs Combin. |volume= 11 |year=1995|pages= 179–199 |doi=10.1007/BF01929486
*citation|last=Turán|first= P|year=1941|title= Egy gráfelméleti szélsöértékfeladatról (Hungarian. An extremal problem in graph theory.) |journal=Mat. Fiz. Lapok|volume= 48 |pages=436-452 |lang= Hungarian
*citation|last=Turán|first= P.|title= Research problems|journal= Maguar Tud. Akad. Mat. Kutato Int. Közl.|volume=6|pages= 417–423 |year=1961

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