Sino-Japanese Journalist Exchange Agreement

Sino-Japanese Journalist Exchange Agreement

Sino-Japanese Journalist Exchange Agreement (Chinese; _zh. 互换记者的会谈纪要, [ China-Japan relationship summary] People's Daily (Chinese)] Japanese; _ja. 日中記者交換協定) is a collective term for the several agreement or meeting which were to arrange a journalist exchange based on the meeting memorandum between China and Japan from one another.

The Memorandum of 1964 Agreement

Liao Chengzhi ( _zh. 廖承志, the president of the Sino-Japanese Friendship Society, a son of Liao Zhongkai) and Tatsunosuke Takasaki ( _ja. 高碕達之助, Japanese politician) were working together on the Liao-Takasaki Agreement (Trade Agreement, Chinese: _zh. 发展民间贸易备忘录 or _zh. LT贸易, Japanese: _ja. 日中総合貿易に関する覚書 [ [ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan] (Japanese)] ) and both side signed and exchanged the memorandum regarding trade on November 9, 1962. The members of both parties, the Liao Chengzhi Office and Tatsunosuke Takasaki Office, also held a meeting regarding journalism between China and Japan. The delegates for the meeting were Liao Chengzhi and Kenzo Matsumura ( _ja. 松村謙三, Japanese Diet member).

On April 19, 1964, they reached a consensus on establishment of the Trade liaison office and the exchange of journalists between China and Japan.

The attendee of this meeting were:
*China - Liao Chengzhi ( _zh. 廖承志), Sun Pinghua ( _zh. 孫平化), Wang Xiaoyun ( _zh. 王暁雲).
*Japan - Kenzo Matsumura ( _ja. 松村謙三), Yutaro Takeyama ( _ja. 竹山祐太郎), Kaheita Okazaki ( _ja. 岡崎嘉平太), Yoshimi Hurui ( _ja. 古井喜実), Tadaharu Okubo ( _ja. 大久保任晴).

The memorandum of the meeting regarding journalist exchange was as follows. [ [ The memorandum of the meeting regarding trade liaison office and journalist exchange] University of Tokyo (Japanese)]

:1 Based on the meeting result between Liao Chengzhi and Kenzo Matsumura, both China and Japan determined the exchange of journalist.

:2 The affairs regarding journalist exchange include entry formalities will be informed and processed via Liao Chengzhi Office and Tatsunosuke Takasaki Office.

:3 The number for exchanging journalists will be within eight persons from each country, and each newspaper company, press news agency, broadcasting network, and television network dispatch one journalist in principle. In case of necessity, based on the situation, both parties can put appropriate correction in the number within the limit of the eight persons.

:4 First dispatch of the newspaper journalist will be achieved by the end of June, 1964.

:5 Both parties exchange journalists at the same time.

:6 The duration of the journalists' stay for one time in the counterpart country will be within a year.

:7 Both parties will secure the safety of the other country's journalists.

:8 Both parties will offer facility for news gathering activities for the other country's journalists.

:9 Journalists of both countries abide by the administrative provision for foreign journalists in the resident country, and will receive fair treatment which resident country give foreign journalists.

:10 Both parties will guarantee the communication liberty of the other country's journalists.

:11 If each country encountered any problem in the implementation of this agreement, Liao Chengzhi Office and Tatsunosuke Takasaki Office will solve the problem through discussion.

:12 The memorandum of this meeting will be made in Chinese and in Japanese, and the documents in both languages will be equivalent in effect. Liao Chengzhi Office and Tatsunosuke Takasaki Office will keep the memorandum which is one in Chinese and one in Japanese each other.

:Appendix; :The basic five principle regarding friendship, on which Zhou Enlai and Kenzo Matsumura reached a consensus previously, that is to esteem each country's position and keep it inviolate each other, although both countries differ by political system, will be ascertained in the Matsumura - Liao Chengzhi meeting and both countries exchange journalists based on the principles.

1968 Amendment

On March 6, 1968, "Sino-Japanese Memorandum Trade Meeting Communique" (Chinese; _zh. 中日备忘录贸易会谈公报 [ Memorandum Trade Meeting Communique] , University of Tokyo (Chinese)] , Japanese; _ja. 日中覚書貿易会談コミュニケ) was issued and both parties agreed to institutionalize the "Memorandum Trade" ( _zh. MT贸易 [ [ China-Japan Trade Relationship 60 years] , _zh. 中日经贸关系六十年 1945-2005 (Chinese)] or _ja. 覚書貿易 ) in lieu of "Liao-Takasaki Agreement" ( _zh. LT贸易).

In the agreement, both countries state;

:" _zh. 中国方面指出在中日关系包括我们之间的关系上所存在的障碍是由于美帝国主义和日本当局推行敌视中国的政策所造成的:日本方面对于中国方面的立场表示深为理解并表示今后要为排除这种障碍促进中日关系正常化做出进一步的努力:中国方面再次强调坚持中日关系的政治三原则和政治经济不可分的原则日本方面表示同意双方认为政治经济不可分的原则就是政治和经济是不可分割的是相互联系相互促进的政治关系的改善才有助于经济关系的发展"

:"China side pointed that the impediment existing on the relationship between China and Japan, including between meeting members', was resulted from American Imperialism and the hostile policy toward China which Japan pushed forward.

:Japan side stated Japan express deep understanding of China's position, eliminate such barrier from now, and facilitate more effort in normalization of relations between China and Japan.

:China side emphasized to maintain "Three politic principles" ( _zh. 政治三原则) and "The Inseparable Principle of Politics and Economics" in the relationship between China and Japan. Japan side agreed. Both countries recognized the idea that "The Inseparable Principle of Politics and Economics" is that politics and economics are inseparable, relating and facilitating to each other, and the improvement in political relationship contributes to the development of economical relationship."

On the same day, a meeting to amend the memorandum regarding Sino-Japanese Journalist Exchange Agreement was also arranged. [ [ _ja. 記者交換に関するメモ修正取決] An arrangement to amend the memorandum regarding Journalist Exchange Agreement (on April 19, 1964), March 6, 1968 (Japanese)]

:1 Both parties correspondently confirmed that the mutual exchange of journalists on the basis of the memorandum regarding journalist exchange was that both countries follows the principle which is indicated in the "Meeting Communique" announced on March 6, 1968 and it will derive good for the enhancement of the mutual understanding and friendship between Japan and China.

:2 Both parties correspondently agreed to amend the number of journalist exchange, which is stipulated in the paragraph 3 of the memorandum regarding journalist exchange, from "within eight persons from each country" to "within five persons from each country".

:3 This arrangement will be the supplement and amendment for the memorandum regarding journalist exchange and have equivalent effect.

:4 This arrangement will be documented in Chinese and in Japanese, and the documents in both languages will be equivalent in effect. Japan-China Memorandum Trade Office ( _ja. 日中覚書貿易事務所; Japan) and Sino-Japanese Memorandum Trade Office ( _zh. 中日備忘録貿易弁事処; China) will keep the memorandum which is one in Chinese and one in Japanese each other.

::March 6, 1968, Beijing

Three politic principles

The "Three politic principles" ( _zh. 政治三原则) appears in the "Sino-Japanese Memorandum Trade Meeting Communique" of 1968 is the long-held diplomatic principle which China have often been asserting since Liao Chengzhi ( _zh. 廖承志) made a point as the government's official view on Zhou Enlai's ( _zh. 周恩来) behalf when Tadataka Sata ( _ja. 佐多忠隆), Japanese diet member, visited China on August 29, 1958. [ [ 日本参议员佐多忠隆访华报告书] The visit China report of Tadataka Sata, the Social Democratic party of Japan, August 29, 1958 (Chinese)]

According to "Zhou Enlai's talk regarding trade between Japan and China" ( _zh. 周恩来会见日中贸易促进会专务理事铃木一雄时的谈话 [ [ _zh. 周恩来会见日中贸易促进会专务理事铃木一雄时的谈话] , August 27, 1960 (Chinese)] ) in 1960, "Three politic principles" will be as follows.

: _zh. 第一日本政府不能敌视中国: _zh. 第二不能追随美国两个中国的阴谋美国这样做日本追随我们当然反对: _zh. 第三不要阻碍中日两国关系向正常化方向发展

Id est,:1 Japanese government shall not take a hostile view toward China.:2 Japan shall not follow the United States and the conspiracy of creation of "two China" which the United States contrives. We definitely disagree with Japan's subserviency.:3 The development toward the normalization of bilateral relations between China and Japan will not be interfered.

The compliance for these three points were discussed in the meeting for "Memorandum Trade" ( _zh. MT贸易).

Press restraints

Joint Communique of Japan and the People's Republic of China was signed in Beijing on September 29, 1972. This established diplomatic relations and made substantial progress in the relationship between China and Japan. On January 5, 1974, "China-Japan Trade Agreement" ( _zh. 中华人民共和国和日本国贸易协定 [ [ China-Japan Trade Agreement] , University of Tokyo (Chinese)] or _zh. 中日貿易協定) was signed in Beijing. On the same day, "Memorandum Regarding Japan-China Continuous Journalist Exchange" ( _ja. 日中常駐記者交換に関する覚書 [ [ 日本と中国の言論空間] page 9 (PDF), National Institute of InformaticsAcademic Information Management (Japanese)] ) was also exchanged.

The "Three politic principles" is existing up to the present day. Each Japanese media organization, which sends correspondent to China, is required to agree with the contents of the statement in the documents regarding journalist exchange. This virtually means the journalists are banned to conduct a press report which takes a hostile view toward China.

Deportation proceedings

As world media has been reporting, China restricts the information of foreign media, which the government assume it's illegal, and gives a deportation order against the journalists and the people who work for foreign press, [ [ Beijing Stops the Presses] TIME blogs, July 11, 2007] [ [ How will China, hardly a bastion of press freedom, cope with an invasion of 20,000 foreign journalists for the 2008 Olympics?] American Journalism Review Org] include Japanese journalists. [ Chinese Order a Japanese Reporter to Leave] The New York Times, May 9, 1987]


* _zh. 中日经贸关系六十年 (1945-2005) April 1, 2006 ISBN 7806882200 (Chinese)
*日本外交主要文書・年表 第2巻 January, 1984 ISBN 4562014458 (Japanese)


See also

* Censorship in the People's Republic of China
* Freedom of the press

External links

* [ Institute of Oriental Culture] Professor Akihiko Tanaka, University of Tokyo
* [ Three politic principles] ( _zh. 周恩来会见日中贸易促进会专务理事铃木一雄时的谈话), August 27, 1960 (Chinese)

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