Ulla Anttila

Ulla Anttila

Ulla Mari Ainikki Anttila (born December 13, 1963) is a Finnish politician and a former member of Finnish Parliament, representing the Green League. She was first elected to the parliament in 1991 and left the parliament 2007. She is also a member of the city council of Vantaa (1985-1996, 2005-).

Anttila was born in Helsinki, Finland. She has a Master's degree in Social psychology from the University of Helsinki. She is married to Tero Taponen. They have two children, Alli (b. 1994) and Taru (b. 1997).

External links

fi icon [http://www2.eduskunta.fi/fakta/edustaja/404/ Official Website of Ulla Anttila]

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