François Burgat

François Burgat

François Burgat, a political scientist and Arabist, is Senior Research Fellow (Directeur de recherches) at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS); he has been since May 2008 at the head of the IFPO (Institut français du Proche-Orient - Damascus, Beirut, Amman).

For a wide range of academic institutions, the World Economic Forum, NATO, and major private or public think tanks, he has lectured and given expertise (economic/political risk) throughout the world, being a permanent resident in the Middle East for over 18 years: at the University of Constantine, Algeria (1973-1980), in Cairo Cedej (1989-1993) then as the director of the French Centre for Archaeology and Social Sciences in Sanaa (1997-2003) and at the IREMAM (Institut de Recherches et dEtudes sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman) in Aix-en-Provence (2003-2008).

His main publications include
* "The Islamic Movement in North Africa" (U of Texas Press, 1997),
* "Face to Face with Political Islam" (IB Tauris, 2002),
* "Islamism in the shadow of al-Qaeda", Paris, La Découverte 2005, (U. of Texas Press 2008). [ [ Memorandum commissioned by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament : "Europe and Asia between Islam and the United States", Centre for Dialogue, La Trobe, University, 3-5 Dec 2007] ] [ [ "Translation"] ]

External links

* [ "Bibliography by the Centre d'études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales (CEDEJ)"]
* [ Institut français du Proche-Orient]


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