Lleida (Spanish Congress Electoral District)

Lleida (Spanish Congress Electoral District)

Lleida is one of the 52 electoral districts (circunscripciónes) used for the Spanish Congress of Deputies - the lower chamber of the Spanish Parliament, the Cortes Generales. It is one of four electoral districts which correspond to the provinces of Catalonia. Lleida is the largest municipality accounting for 97,000 voters out of the total of 313,000. The district has traditionally been one of the weakest for the national parties of the right and it was one of only two districts in the 2004 election (along with Girona) where the Popular Party failed to win a seat.

Boundaries and electoral system

Under Article 68 of the Spanish constitution [http://www.mir.es/DGPI/Normativa/Normativa_Estatal/Constitucion_Espanola/constitucion_espanola.html Spanish Constitution] ] the boundaries must be the same as the province of Lleida and under Article 140 this can only be altered with the approval of congress. Voting is on the basis of universal suffrage in a secret ballot. The electoral system used is closed list proportional representation with seats allocated using the D'Hondt method. Only lists which poll 3% of the total vote (which includes votes "en blanco" i.e. for none of the above) can be considered. Under article 12 of the constitution, the minimum voting age is 18.


Article 67.3 of the Spanish Constitution prohibits dual membership of the Cortes and regional assemblies, meaning that candidates must resign from Regional Assemblies if successfully elected. Article 70 also makes active judges, magistrates, public defenders, serving military personnel, active police officers and members of constitutional and electoral tribunals ineligible.

Number of members

From the 1977 onwards Lleida has returned four members.

Under Spanish electoral law, all provinces are entitled to a minimum of 2 seats with a remaining 248 seats apportioned according to population. [ [http://electionresources.org/es/index_en.html General features of Spanish electoral system] ] These laws are laid out in detail in the 1985 electoral law. (Ley Orgánica del Régimen Electoral General) The practical effect of this law has been to overrepresent smaller provinces at the expense of larger provinces. In 2004 for example Spain had 34,571,831 voters giving an average of 98,777 voters per deputy [http://www.electionresources.org/es/congress.php?election=2004 2004 Spanish election] ] . In Lleida however the number of voters per deputy was only 78,090. [ [http://electionresources.org/es/congress.php?election=2004&province=25 2004 Lleida election] ]

ummary of seats won 1977–2008

Note: Seats shown for the PP include seats won by their predecessors, the Popular Alliance and the Popular Coalition in 1982 and 1986.

PSOE has contested elections under the label Socialist Party of Catalonia (Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya).

Seats shown for Convergence and Union include seats won in the 1977 election under the label Democratic Pact for Catalonia (Pacte Democràtic per Catalunya)

Republican Left of Catalonia contested the 1977 election as part of an electoral alliance called Catalan Left - Electoral Democratic Front (Esquerra de Catalunya-Front Electoral Democràtic) as openly republican parties were unable to contest the 1977 elections. [http://www.esquerra.cat/web_nova/arxius/Hangles.pdf]

Democratic Centre Union fought the 1979 election as part of an alliance called Catalan Centrists (Centristes de Catalunya.)


The 2004 election produced a very close result. PSOE won the fourth seat but an increase of either 236 (0.2%) votes for Convergence and Union or 370 votes (0.3%) for the PP would have been enough to give either of those parties the fourth seat. Although the PSOE won a second seat for the first time since 1989, their vote increase here was their lowest in all 52 constituencies. Republican Left (ERC) won their first seat in the district since the restoration of democracy.

=2004 General Election [http://www.elecciones.mir.es/MIR/jsp/resultados/index.htm Interior ministry link to election results] ] =

electiontable|Spanish congress election, 2004"'Summary of the 14 March 2004 Congress of Deputies election results in Lleida.
-!style="background-color:#E9E9E9" align=left valign=top|Parties and alliances!style="background-color:#E9E9E9" align=right|Votes!style="background-color:#E9E9E9" align=right|%!style="background-color:#E9E9E9" align=right|Seats!style="background-color:#E9E9E9" align=right|Members elected
align=left|Socialists' Party of Catalonia/Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (Partido Socialista Obrero Español)
align="right" |68,971
align="right" |29.57
align="right" |2
align="left" |
align=left|Convergence and Union (Convergència i Unió)
align="right" |68,735
align="right" |29.46
align="right" |1
align="left" |
align=left|Republican Left of Catalonia (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya)
align="right" |50,104
align="right" |21.48
align="right" |1
align="left" |
align=left|People's Party (Partido Popular)
align="right" |34,116
align="right" |14.62
align="right" |0
align="left" |
align=left| Initiative for Catalonia Greens-United and Alternative Left
align="right" |6,910
align="right" |2.96
align="right" |0
align="left" |
align=left|Confederation of The Greens (Els Verds)
align="right" valign=top|1,171
align="right" valign=top|0.50
align="right" valign=top|0
align="right" |1,402
align="right" |0.60
align="right" |0

=2000 General Election=

electiontable|Spanish congress election, 2000"'Summary of the 12 March 2000 Congress of Deputies election results in Lleida.
-!style="background-color:#E9E9E9" align=left valign=top|Parties and alliances!style="background-color:#E9E9E9" align=right|Votes!style="background-color:#E9E9E9" align=right|%!style="background-color:#E9E9E9" align=right|Seats!style="background-color:#E9E9E9" align=right|Members elected
align=left|Convergence and Union (Convergència i Unió)
align="right" |78,131
align="right" |38.96
align="right" |2
align="left" |
align=left|Socialists' Party of Catalonia/Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (Partido Socialista Obrero Español)
align="right" |55,374
align="right" |27.61
align="right" |1
align="left" |
align=left|People's Party (Partido Popular)
align="right" |42,081
align="right" |20.98
align="right" |1
align="left" |
align=left|Republican Left of Catalonia (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya)
align="right" |14,367
align="right" |7.16
align="right" |0
align="left" |
align=left| Initiative for Catalonia Greens
align="right" |3,581
align="right" |1.79
align="right" |0
align="left" |
align=left| United and Alternative Left
align="right" |1,931
align="right" |0.96
align="right" |0
align="left" |
align=left|Confederation of The Greens (Els Verds)
align="right" valign=top|864
align="right" valign=top|0.43
align="right" valign=top|0
align="right" |1,357
align="right" |0.70
align="right" |0

External links

* [http://www.congreso.es/portal/page/portal/Congreso/Congreso/Diputados/DipCircuns List of members by year]
* [http://www.ine.es/censoe/elec2000/00mun25.htm Number of voters by Municipality]


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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