Jurgen Del-Favero

Jurgen Del-Favero

Jurgen Del-Favero is a Belgian scientist working at the VIB Department of Molecular Genetics at the University of Antwerp of Christine Van Broeckhoven. His research is directed towards the identification of susceptibility genes for psychiatric disorders [Venken T, Del-Favero J., Chasing genes for mood disorders and schizophrenia in genetically isolated populations, Hum Mutat. 2007 Dec;28(12):1156-70] [Del-Favero J, Gestel SV, Børglum AD, Muir W, Ewald H, Mors O, Ivezic S, Oruc L, Adolfsson R, Blackwood D, Kruse T, Mendlewicz J, Schalling M, Van Broeckhoven C., European combined analysis of the CTG18.1 and the ERDA1 CAG/CTG repeats in bipolar disorder, Eur J Hum Genet. 2002 Apr;10(4):276-80] and tools for DNA sequence research [Weckx S, De Rijk P, Van Broeckhoven C, Del-Favero J., SNPbox: a modular software package for large-scale primer design, Bioinformatics. 2005 Feb 1;21(3):385-7. Epub 2004 Sep 3] . His research, in collaboration with the Swedish research group under the direction of Rolf Adolfsson and Karl-Fredrik Norrback, indicated that the TPH2 protein is involved in the development of depression and manic depression [Van Den Bogaert A, Sleegers K, De Zutter S, Heyrman L, Norrback K, Adolfsson R, Van Broeckhoven C, Del-Favero J, Association of Brain-Specific Tryptophan Hydroxylase, TPH2, With Unipolar and Bipolar Disorder in a Northern Swedish, Isolated Population, ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT 63, 1103-10, 2006] [Venken T, Claes S, Sluijs S, Paterson d, van Duijn C, Adolfsson R, Del-Favero J, Van Broeckhoven C, Genomewide scan for affective disorder susceptibility Loci in families of a northern Swedish isolated population, AM J HUM GENET 76, 237-248, 2005] [ [http://www.vib.be/NR/rdonlyres/6866250F-F4DC-4A6E-BF85-D381BF630ED4/0/15032006VanDenBogaertENGfinaal_website.pdf Researchers lift a corner of the veil of Depression] ] .

He obtained a PhD at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium) in 1995. He has been VIB Group leader since 2003 and is Associate Professor at the University of Antwerp since 2005.


* [http://lib.bioinfo.pl/auth:Del-Favero,J list of scientific publications]


* [http://www.vib.be/Research/EN/Research+Departments/Department+of+Molecular+Genetics/Jurgen+Del-Favero/ Jurgen Del-Favero]
* J. Comijn, P. Raeymaekers, A. Van Gysel, M. Veugelers, "Today = Tomorrow : a tribute to life sciences research and innovation : 10 years of VIB", Snoeck, 2006, ISBN 978-90-5349-630-5, pp. 70-72 and p. 258.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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