Oier Zearra

Oier Zearra

Oier Zearra Garabieta, also known as Zearra (born in Galdakao, Biscay on January 12, 1977), is a Basque pelota player for Asegarce company. He plays as back-player.


Professional career

He debuted at the Astelena fronton (Eibar) on June 22 of 1997. His main achievement has been the subchampionship in the 2006 1st Hand-Pelota doubles championship, along with Olaizola II.

1st Hand-Pelota doubles championships

Year Champions Subchampions Score Fronton
2006 Martínez de Irujo - Martínez de Eulate Olaizola II - Zearra 22-11 Ogueta

2nd Hand-Pelota singles championship

Year Champion Subchampion Score Fronton
1998 (1) Zearra Minguez 22-06 Donibane

(1) Two championships were played in 1999, due to disagreements between the two main professional Basque-pelota companies—Aspe and Asegarce.

2nd Hand-Pelota doubles championships

Year Champions Subchampions Score Fronton
1998 - Zearra 22-

Sources & references

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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