Art Lee (Taiko)

Art Lee (Taiko)

Taiko teacher and performer Art Lee is recognized as being the first and currently the only person in the world who has ever been awarded an unsponsored artist visa by the Japanese government to be a professional Taiko Artist in Japan [ | Japanzine - Questions for a Starving Artist: Art Lee] . An alumni of the Japanese troupe, Ondekoza, he is also the first non-Japanese to be given the title of 'Taiko Master' by Grandmaster Daihachi Oguchi. Not only is he well known for his teaching style and performances around the world, but he is also recognized for his efforts to bring taiko enthusiasts from all over the world to Japan to foster international relations through taiko.


Since his move to Japan in 1998, Art Lee has created numerous events in Japan to foster international relations which included either performance, instruction, or a mixture of both [ | Art Lee Touring history] :

1998: He created the website WadaikoWorld as a means of fostering direct links between taiko groups and students in both Japan and western countries. Translation for events, production of international exchanges events, and taiko news were only some of the services taken on by WadaikoWorld. In 2004, Art left WadaikoWorld to ALT's studying taiko in Japan, from which time it became only an information service for taiko players.

2000: The International Powerful Stage.
An International exchange event in rural Achi Village. Has become an annual event currently run by the Achi Village Town Office.
Art Lee also create concerts and events which feature foreign groups such as his taiko alma mater, Sacramento Taiko Dan, whom he brought to Japan in 2000 and 2002.

2005: The INADANI Taiko Drumming Course.
A one week to two week beginners to beginning intermediate taiko drumming course taught mainly by Art Lee, but also includes one to three half-day workshops by other highly sought after professional taiko drummers. Taught in English, this course is mainly for taiko learners in countries outside of Japan to come to learn taiko in Japan. ANNUAL EVENT.

2006: The Saiwai Shimoina Wadaiko Festival. A festival which invites professional performance groups from around the world, and who have met and performed with Art Lee on his annual world tours. The organizers of this festival are striving to make this one of the largest taiko drumming festivals in all of Nagano Prefecture. ANNUAL EVENT.

2008: TOKARA Wadaiko Camp (also known as TOKARA Boot Camp).A one-week course for high level intermediate to advanced taiko players from both abroad and Japan. This course offers one week of intensive taiko instruction as well as field trip to Tokyo to experience two to three full days of Taiko Contests and performances. Date-wise, this course is close to Kodo's Earth Celebration, which makes fitting TOKARA Taiko Camp and Earth Celebration in a two-week period easy. ANNUAL EVENT.


External links

* / Art Lee Website
* / INADANI Taiko Drumming Course
* / TOKARA Boot Camp
* / Saiwai Shimoina Wadaiko Festival

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