Rashid Al-Daif

Rashid Al-Daif

Rashid Al-Daif (or Rasheed Al-Daif, Rachid El-Daïf, Rachid El-Daif) is a Lebanese author. He writes in Arabic and is translated in 9 languages (French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, Greek).



1982, Unsi yalhu ma’a rita: kitab al-baligin “Unsi is Playing with Rita: A Book for Adults”, al-Mu’assasa l-Jami’iyya li-l-dirasat wa-l-nasr, Beirut.

1983, Al-Mustabidd “The Tyrant”, Dar ab’ad, Beirut. Reprint Riad El-Rayyes Books 2001.

1986, Fusha mustahdafa bayna l-nu’as wa-l-nawm, Mukhtarat, Beirut. Reprint Riad El-Rayyes Books 2001.Translated into French by Luc Barbulesco and Philippe Cardinal under the title Passage au Crepuscule, Actes Sud, 1992. Also translated into English by Nirvana Tannuki under the title Passage to Dusk, Austin: Texas University Press, 2001.

1987, Ahlu z-zill “Dwellers of the Shade”, Muhktarat, Beirut. Reprint Riad El-Rayyes Books 2001.

Translated into French under the title L’Insolence Du Serpent…ou les creatures de l’ombre by Edgard Weber. AMAM , Toulouse, 1997.

1989, Taqaniyyaatu l-bu’s “Technicalities of Wretchedness”, Muhtarat, Beirut. Reprint Riad El-Rayyes Books 2001.

1991, Ghaflat al-Turab “A Lapse of the Earth”, Mukhtarat, Beirut. Reprint Riad El-Rayyes Books 2001 1995, Azizi as-sayyid Kawabata. Muhtarat, Beirut. Reprint Riad El-Rayyes Books 2001

Translated into the following eight European languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Swedish, Polish, and Dutch.German translation: Hartmut Fahndrich, Lieber Herr Kawabata. Basel, Lenos 1998. English Translation: Paul Starkey, Dear Mr. Kawabata. London: Quartet Books, 1999; reprinted by Interlink Books, U.S.A., 2000. 1997, Nahiyat al-bara’a, al-Masar, Beirut.Translated into English under the title This Side of Innocence by Paula Haydar. Interlink Books, 2001.

1998, Lernin Inglish [“Learning English”] , al-Nahar, Beirut. Reprint Riad El-Rayyes, Beirut, 2005. Translated into French under the title Learning English by Yves Gonzalez-Quijano. Paris: Actes Sud, September 2001.

2001, Tistifil Meryl Streep [ “Meryl Streep can Suit Herself”] , Riad El-Rayyes Books, Beirut. Translated into Italian under the title E CHI SE NE FREGA DI MERYL STREEP by Palma D’Amico. Rome: Jouvence, 2003.Also translated into French under the tiltle Qu’elle au Diable Meryl Streep by Edgard Weber. Paris: Actes-Sud, 2004Also translated into Greec. Athens: Kedros, 2006. 2002, ‘Insay as- Sayyara [ Forget About The Car] , Riad El-Rayyes Books, Beirut.Translated into French under the title Fais Voir Tes Jambes Leila by Yves Gonzalez-Quijano. Paris: Actes-Sud, September 2006.2005, Mabad Yanjah Fi Baghdad [Mabad Succeeds in Baghdad] , Riad El-Rayyes Books, Beirut.2005, awdatu l ‘almani ‘ila rushdihi [The German Returns To His Senses] , Riad El-Rayyes Books, Beirut. Poetry

1979, Hina halla al-sayf ‘ala l-sayf [“When the Sword Replaced the Sun.” Translated by J.D.Bencheikh as L’Eté au Tranchant de l’Epée Le Sycmore, Paris.

1980, La shay’a yafuqu l-wasf [“Nothing is Above Description”] , Mansurat lubnan al-gadid, Beirut.

1992, Ayyu thalgin yahbut bi-salam [“What Snow ever Falls in Peace”] , Mukhtarat, Beirut.

FilmA film entitled “Passage Au Crepuscule” based upon the novel of the same title was directed by the Swiss director Simon Edelstein and released in Geneva in 2000.A film entitled “Zennar An Nar” based upon my novel of the title Al Mustabid directed by The Lebaneese director Bahij HOJEIJ 2002

TheatreA play entitled ‘Qu’elle Aille au diable Meryl Streep’ based upon the novel of the same title was written by the Algerian French Scenarist Mhammad Qacimi, and produced by Nidal Achqar, in Arabic and French.

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