

Infobox City Spain
native_name = Catí
native_language = Valencian
spanish_name = Catí
lat_long = coord|40|28|17|N|0|1|22|E|type:city_region:ES|display=inline,title
time_zone = CET (GMT +1)
time_zone_summer = CEST (GMT +2)
founded =
postal_code = 12513
area_code = 964
website = []
community = Valencian Community
community_link = Valencian Community
province = Castellon
province_link = Castellon (province)
comarca = Alt Maestrat
comarca_link = Alt Maestrat
divisions = 9
neighborhoods = 2
mayor = Manuel Puig Puig
political_party = People's Party
political_party_link = People's Party
area = 102.3
altitude = 661
population = 861
date-population = 2007
density = 8.49
date-density = 2006

Catí is a municipality in the "comarca" of Alt Maestrat, Castellón, Valencia, Spain.


Catí is situated at 661 metres above sea level, half of a broad valley which is called "the corridor Catí" in the region of l'Alt Maestrat, geographically to the boundary between Ports, region to which it belonged historically, and the Baix Maestrat, the center of the mountainous area that connects Ports of Morella with saws of Maestrazgo (saw Vallivana, Tosal of the Fridge and Barbuda)

Neighborhoods and parishes

In the municipality of Catí is also the following towns:

*Hostal del Mestre.
*Masía Costereta.
*Masía d'En Ramón.
*Masía de Evaristo.
*Masía de Gatella.
*Masía de Jaime Vicente.
*Masía de Roblasco.
*Masía de Segarra de Arriba.
*Masía Font Nova.

The municipality of Catí limited to the following locations:

Ares del Maestre, Morella, Chert, Tírig, Salsadella, Sant Mateu and Albocácer all of them in the province of Castellón.


On January, 25th in 1239 Catí was given to populate by Blasco of Alagón to Ramon de Bocona and to forty residents more, this fact was confirmed by the king D. Jaime. For the surnames of those neighbors are supposed to come from the land of Lleida. Fidelity was his main virtue which is recognized in his shield weapon whose main figure is walking a dog, a symbol of loyalty active.

Catí has participated in many historic events had taken part of Morella. Catí take part in the conquest of Mazalquivir Oran and Spark Plug, in the Nave of Bayle of Morella. This despite the fact that the town of Catí, along with other villages, began in 1292 a lawsuit against Morella, who did not complete until 1691 were granted independence.

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