blockbuster — block‧bust‧er [ˈblɒkˌbʌstə ǁ ˈblɑːkˌbʌstər] noun [countable] informal a very successful film or book, usually one that is full of action or adventure but is not very serious: • the latest Hollywood blockbuster * * * blockbuster UK US… … Financial and business terms
blockbuster — index bomb Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
blockbuster — also block buster, big bomb (4,000 pounds or larger, according to some sources), 1942, from BLOCK (Cf. block) (n.) in the built up city square sense. Entertainment sense is attested from 1957. U.S. sense of real estate broker who sells a house to … Etymology dictionary
blockbuster — s. m. Livro, filme, exposição ou outro objeto cultural que atinge grande popularidade ou sucesso. • Plural: blockbusters. ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
blockbuster — /blokˈbaster, ingl. ˈblHkˌbʌstə(r)/ [lett. «grande bomba per la demolizione di vaste aree», comp. di block «caseggiato» e buster «che demolisce»] s. m. inv. film di successo □ bestseller (ingl.) … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
blockbuster — (izg. blȍkbaster) m DEFINICIJA 1. film ili knjiga koji zbog popularnosti postižu i dobar financijski rezultat 2. ekspr. netko ili nešto od izuzetne važnosti, vrlo istaknuto ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
blockbuster — ► NOUN informal ▪ a film or book that is a great commercial success. DERIVATIVES blockbusting adjective … English terms dictionary
blockbuster — [bläk′bus΄tər] n. Informal 1. a large, aerial bomb that can demolish a large area ☆ 2. a particularly powerful, forceful, or effective person or thing; specif., an expensive or pretentious film, novel, etc. intended to have wide popular appeal ☆… … English World dictionary
Blockbuster — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Blockbuster (homonymie). Blockbuster (en anglais, littéralement « qui fait exploser le quartier ») était à l origine un terme du jargon théâtral américain qui qualifiait une pièce remportant un… … Wikipédia en Français
Blockbuster — Ein Blockbuster, auch Event Movie, Mainstream Film oder A Movie, seltener A Film, als rhetorische Analogie zum B Movie, bezeichnet in der medialen Berichterstattung kommerziell sehr erfolgreiche Kinoproduktionen. Die hier im übertragenen Sinne… … Deutsch Wikipedia