Gustavus Richard Brown

Gustavus Richard Brown

Gustavus Richard Brown (born 1748, died September 30, 1804Ridgely pp 63-64] [cite web
title=Gustavus Brown Burial Site, Charles County, Maryland
] ) was a life-long friend of George Washington, as well as one of his physicians. He is best known as being one of those who were at George Washington’s bedside when he died.Wilstach, pp 102-104] [cite web
title=George Washington Really Did Sleep Here
publisher=Maryland Office of Tourism
] Arnett, pp 44-45]

Gustavus Brown studied medicine in Edinburgh, graduating in 1768. In addition to medicine, he was elected to the legislature of Maryland, and served as a judge. Additionally, he was a member of the Maryland state convention of 1788 to ratify the U. S. Constitution.Scharf, pp 749] [cite web
title=Maryland Manual, 1926
publisher=Maryland State Archives

Thomas Stone’s mother-in-law, Margaret Brown, was the sister of Dr. Gustavus Brown (according to Conway, Thomas Stone married the sister of Gustavus Brown). In some records he may be confused with his father (same name) who came from Scotland in 1708. [cite web
title=Who was Dr. Gustavus Brown?
publisher=Charles County Board of Education
] The elder Gustavus Brown settled at Middleton (named after his family homestead near Dalkeith, Scotland) in Charles County, Maryland, as related by his descendent Moncure Daniel Conway. [Conway, pp 1-5.] The younger Gustavus Brown built and lived in Rose Hill.

There is a school named after him, Dr. Gustavus Brown Elementary, located in Waldorf, Maryland.



*cite book
title=Maryland: A New Guide to the Old Line State
coauthors=Dr. Robert J Brugger, Edward C. Papenfuse
publisher=Johns Hopkins University Press

*cite book
title=Autobiography Memories and Experiences of Moncure Daniel Conway
first=Moncure Daniel
publisher=Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

*cite book
title=Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia
first=Helen West
publisher=The Grafton press

*cite book
first=John Thomas
title=History of Maryland from the Earliest Period to the Present Day
publisher=John B. Piet

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