Pantun Sunda

Pantun Sunda

Pantun Sunda is a type of Sundanese oral narrative performance interspersed with songs and music played on a "kacapi", a kind of zither. A pantun used to be recited during an evening-length performance. A single performer relates the tales the story of a hero’s initiation; the protagonist leaves his kingdom in order to seek experiences, beautiful princesses to become his wife, power, other kingdoms to subject, the realization of a dream (Rosidi 1984a:143); after having succeeded in reaching his goal he finally returns to his kingdom. Alongside memories of historical events the stories often contain mythical elements. Pantun were not written down, the bards often being illiterate, in many case blind. Originally they had a sacral character, as was clear from the offerings, until recently made at the beginning of the recitation and also from the content of the introductory part of the story, called rajah; this was an invocatory song, imploring the help of divine figures to ward off bad influences. The form of the pantun was not strictly fixed; however, the dominant language from employed in most pantun was the octosyllabic verse. For a detailed description of the nature and form of a Sundanese pantun you are referred to Eringa (1949), to Hermansoemantri (1977-79). [cite book
last =Noorduyn
first =J.
publisher= KITLV Press
title = Three Old Sundanese poems
date =
year =2006
page =10

Currently there are not so many Pantun Sunda shows because there is no regeneration for reserving the music genre especially when radio has been a household appliance in West Java. [ [ Sunda ] ] [ [ Indonesian Classical Music from Sunda] ]

Transcription of "pantun" stories

Pantun being typically oral text, they were not written down in the Sundanese literally tradition; only late in the nineteenth century were the first pantun put down in writing, at first mainly on the initiative or instigation of Western (Dutch) person, in the beginning usually in cacarakan script. After the establishment of Indonesia, Sundanese scholars made important contributions to the study of pantun, by publishing more oral texts as well as by critically investigating them. Special mention should be made of a project by Ajip Rosidi who in the early seventies had a considerable number of pantun recorded as they were performed by singers from various areas in West Java (see Rosidi 1973). The recorded pantun was transcribed and in stenciled form circulated in limited circle. Later on a number of them were published in book form, such as Mundinglaya di Kusumah (1986). An excellent study of the literally structure of the pantun was written by Hermansoemantri (1977-79); Kartini et al. (1984) wrote a useful comparative analysis on the plot of the pantun, based on a survey of 35 pantun stories. A valuable work on the musical aspects of pantun performances, based on extensive data collected in the field, was written by A. N. Weintraub (1990). [cite book
last =Noorduyn
first =J.
publisher= KITLV Press
title = Three Old Sundanese poems
date =
year =2006
page =11

In the Sanghyang Siksakanda ng Karesian, dated 1518, pantun are mentioned: "hayang nyaho di pantun ma: Langgalarang, Banyakcatra, Siliwangi, Haturwangi, prepantun tanya" (if you want to know pantun, such as Langgalarang, Banyakcatra, siliwangi, Haturwangi, ask the pantun singer, Atja and Danasasmita 1981a:14). Throughout the ages many ancient elements have been preserved, even though the content of the stories told and the language used underwent changes and adaptations. Not only are there a number of Arabic words present in many pantun texts, which in pre-Islamic Old Sundanese text are lacking; the repertoire of present-day pantun singers include Islamic tales as is clear from the list in Weintraub (1990:23-4). [cite book
last =Noorduyn
first =J.
publisher= KITLV Press
title = Three Old Sundanese poems
date =
year =2006
page =11

List of Pantun Stories

Based on Budi Rahayu Tamsyah in his book "Kamus Istilah Tata Basa jeung Sastra Sunda", there are pantun stories as follow [cite book
last =Tamsyah
first =Budi Rahayu
publisher= Pustaka Setia
title = Kamus Istilah Tata Basa jeung Sastra Sunda
date =
year =1999
page =175-176
] :

#Ciung Wanara
#Lutung Kasarung
#Mundinglaya di Kusumah
#Aria Munding Jamparing
#Badak Sangorah
#Badak Singa
#Bima Manggala
#Bima Wayang
#Budak Manjor
#Budug Basu /Sri Sadana / Sulanjana
#Bujang Pangalasan
#Burung Baok
#Buyut Orenyeng
#Dalima Wayang
#Demung Kalagan
#Deugdeug Pati Jaya Perang / Raden Deugdeug Pati Jaya Perang Prabu Sandap Pakuan
#Gajah Lumantung
#Gantangan Wangi
#Hatur Wangi
#Jaka Susuruh
#Jalu Mantang
#Jaya Mangkurat
#Kembang Panyarikan / Pangeran Ratu Kembang Panyarikan
#Kidang Panandri
#Kidang Pananjung
#Kuda Gandar
#Kuda Lalean
#Kuda Malela
#Kuda Wangi
#Langla Larang
#Langga Sari
#Langon Sari
#Layung Kumendung
#Liman Jaya Mantri
#Lutung Leutik / Ratu Bungsu Karma Jaya
#Malang Sari
#Manggung Kusuma
#Matang Jaya
#Munding Jalingan
#Munding Kawangi
#Munding Kawati
#Munding Liman
#Munding Mintra
#Munding Sari Jaya Mantri
#Munding Wangi
#Nyi Sumur Bandung
#Paksi Keling / Wentang Gading
#Panambang Sari
#Panggung Karaton
#Parenggong Jaya
#Raden Mangprang di Kusumah
#Raden Tanjung
#Raden Tegal
#Rangga Sawung Galing
#Rangga Gading
#Rangga Katimpal
#Rangga Malela
#Rangga Sena
#Ratu Ayu
#Ratu Pakuan
#Ringgit Sari
#Senjaya Guru

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