

Halnoor is a village in Tumkur taluk, Karnataka. Halnoor is around 13km from Tumkur and around 3.2 km (2 miles) from Mallasandra.


The main occupation of the people in Halnoor is agriculture. Coconut, Areca, Paddy, Ragi, Jowar, Tamarind, Mango, Sapota are some of the crops grown by the farmers in Halnoor.

For the irrigation purposes, people in Halnoor rely on the rain gods. There are 2 lakes around Halnoor which also supply the water for irrigation. Halnoor lake which relies on rain water for its inflow and Mallasandra lake which from early 2000 is along rain water is also fed with Hemavathi channel water.


Malleshwara swamy temple which is in Halnoor is a major religious place for the Hindus around Halnoor.


Halnoor votes to elect MLA for Tumkur rural constituency, MP for Tumkur constituency and also elects around 7 members for the Mallasandra grama panchayati.


Halnoor has educational institutes which help students for education up to 12th std./2nd P.U.C.

How to get there

Halnoor is connected to Tumkur by a bus service. By train, a passenger can take a slow train to Shimoga, Aarsikere, or Hubli, get down at Mallasandra station. From there one can rent a rikshaw.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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