- Spitting
Spitting or expectoration is the act of forcibly ejecting
saliva or other substances from the mouth. It is normally considered rude and a socialtaboo in many parts of the world, though spitting can still be occasionally observed in some places. It is possible to transmit infectiousdisease s in this way.Spitting upon another person, especially onto the
face , is a universal sign ofanger , hatred orcontempt , for example it is the subject of anurban legend representing the contempt with whichVietnam veterans were treated on their return to theUnited States . It can represent a "symbolical regurgitation" or an act of contamination. It can also be a device to bring good luck or ward off bad. [s.v., Funk and Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore Mythology and Legend., Maria Leach, ed]The term spitting is also used to describe a type of soft
rain .History of spitting in Western Europe
Social attitudes towards spitting have changed greatly in
Western Europe since theMiddle Ages . Then, frequent spitting was part of everyday life, and at all levels of society, it was thought ill-mannered to suck back saliva to avoid spitting. By the early 1700s, spitting had become seen as something which should be concealed, and by 1859 many viewed the spitting on the floor or street asvulgar , especially in mixed company.Spittoon s were used openly during the nineteenth century to provide an acceptable outlet for spitters. Spittoons became far less common after the influenza epidemic of 1918, and their use has since virtually disappeared, though each justice of theSupreme Court of the United States continues to be provided with a personal cuspidor [http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2007-03-19-court-rituals_N.htm]Spitting habits
Many people in the world spit for different reasons. Personal, physical, practical, symbolic, recreational, nonsensical, etc.
The Dangers of Spitting or Otherwise Ejecting Spittle in a Non Hygienic Fashion
Atypical pneumonia can be spread by respiratory droplets. Atypical pneumonia is a pneumonia that does not respond to the usual antibiotic treatment, therefore making this pneumonia rather severe. Another disease which can be transmitted by spitting is tuberculosis.Spitting competitions
There are some places whereby spitting is a competitive sport, with or without a projectile in the mouth. For example, there is a Guinness World Record for
cherry pit spitting , and there are world championships inKudu dung spitting .Spitting Theory
It has often been suggestedWho|date|date=April 2008 that spitting, in the human world, is a territorial act that has been locked in our past genes. In soccer, players spit in groups around who takes the free kick as both a territorial gesture and also a way to show displeasure at not getting the shot. Needless to say, free kicks are a spitting orgydubious. The most common "spitters" are young males in the prime years, generally the years when testosterone levels are at their highest.
* Amongst the
Fremen ofArrakis inFrank Herbert 's Dune series, spitting is an act of showing one's appreciation andrespect . Since thedesert of Arrakis provides only a small amount of water to live from, giving away fluid is a special sign of honor.
* Spitting (or "gobbing") was a common practise among English punks in the 1970s. When the punk bands played live, it was seen as part of the punk ritual to spit on them.
*TheMaasai tribe inAfrica spit upon one another as a greeting and farewell. This was satirized in the movie .
* Acamel orllama may spit if it is annoyed.
* In law, spitting may be considered anassault and battery.
* Spitting within a few days after removal of a tooth can disrupt the recovery process as the spitting action can change the pressure inside the mouth and disturb scabs/clots in the wound.
* Baseball playerFrenchy Bordagaray was once suspended for spitting on an umpire. He remarked that the punishment was "more than I expected."See also
*Spit-take References
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