Regina 11

Regina 11

"Regina Betancourt", or Regina 11, is a Colombian writer.

Private Life

Regina Betancourt was born in the 16th of December 1936 in Concordia a small town in Antioquia, an Andean state in the Republic of Colombia, South America. She was initiated into metaphysics at a very young age, when she realized that she could see peoples auras, and decipher their meanings. She also developed healing powers which she has used since then to heal people around the world. She has taught metaphysics in Panama, Colombia, Costa Rica, United States, Peru, Venezuela, Guatemala, Mexico, Spain, France and other countries.

She has published over 20 books relating to metaphysics, healing, the meaning of dreams, on the origin of man, the power magnets and magnetism, prophecies; she has also written songs and poetry. She has published videos on her teachings and has a radio talk show every day at 15:00 in la radio super, she was also a T.V presenter.

She was founder of international centre of unity; she founded a school in Bogota, and founder of the political party The Metapolitical Unitarian Movement (Movimiento Unitario Metapolitico).

She was council member of different municipalities in Colombia, she was council member for Bogota District Capital, Deputy for Cundinamarca and Senator of the Colombian Republic. In 1994 she ran for the Colombian presidency being third in the final result after the two main parties.

She was the first Colombian woman to create a political party. She was persecuted along with her party members for not being part of the bureaucracy.

Every year she predicts what will happen in the new year, and all predictions have occurred without fault.

She has funded families for them to create their own businesses in order to avoid unemployment.

The bureaucracy of Colombia mocked her for all her deeds cataloguing her as an ignorant and crazy person. The bureaucracy noticed that their attacks were not effective therefore they intensified their pressure over her and with threats and other sort of accusations she was removed from her seat as senator.

She was kidnapped for 5 long months, she was taken to the mountains of Colombia where she spent her time in difficult conditions, moreover her husband was in his last days when she was kidnapped, when she was released she was accused of auto kidnapping her self.

After she was released her Husband Danny Liska Died, and immediately after the Supreme Court of Justice accused her of fraud and was sentenced to house in jail.

In her home prison, she wrote "Una escoba en el Monte," (A broom in the mount), where she related her experiences as a kidnap victim.

She was given conditional freedom, before she could launch her book she was sentenced to jail once again.

Whilst she was kidnapped she had been elected to the council of Bogotá which increased her persecution by the ruling class.

After she was released from house arrest the Supreme Court of justice found she was innocent and all charges were lifted. She then moved to live in the United States where she has given lectures in different states, she has also been teaching in Europe and Central America. She is back in her talk radio in Colombia and she is constantly teaching metaphysics and publishing books related to that and other topics on occultism.

External links

* [ Official website]
* [ SAUR]
* [ Saurologia]
* [ Saurology]
* [ Female Presidential Candidates]
* [ El Pais]
* [ Radio Super]

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