Ballet (film)

Ballet (film)

"Ballet" is a documentary shot in the Cinema Verite style by Frederick Wiseman. It is considered one of the most authoritative films on ballet and dance. Released in 1995, it portrays rehearsals, choreography, performances, business transactions, and other day to day life of the famed American Ballet Theater. Much of the footage dates from the 1992 season. It also includes scenes from the company's European tour, namely in Greece and Copenhagen.

Appearances are made by Susan Jaffe, Julie Kent, Julio Bocca, Angel Corella, Amanda McKerrow, Alessandra Ferri and others. Various ballet masters and choreographers also appear, including Kevin McKenzie, ABT's artistic director, Ulysses Dove, Irina Kolpakova, Natalia Makarova and Agnes de Mille. Various colorful business transactions by then-director Jane Hermann are also included. Of note, the film is unique amongst dance films in its inclusions of candid scenes in the rehearsal rooms, lounges, wardrobe and set designers, recreation in amusement parks and bars, and other "non-dance" moments.

The film is currently released to the public by Wiseman's distribution company, Zipporah Films


*Zipporah Films,
*imdb title|id=0209928|title=Ballet

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