

Světozor was a Czech language illustrated magazine published in 19th and 20th century.

Světozor was created by Pavel Josef Šafařík in 1834. Šafařík was inspired by the British penny press and the German Pfennig-Magazin. The newspaper, trying to entertain the readers with curiosities, didn't incite much of interest and closed down in two years.

In 1867 the newspaper was reestablished by František Skrejšovský (1837–1902), an entrepreneur and politician. Substantial portion of the weekly was dedicated to the literature and the arts. Since 1899 for more than 30 years the magazine was owned by the publishing house of Jan Otto. Between 1933–1939 the newspaper was owned by leftist journalist and photographer Pavel Altschul (1900–1944).


* Jaromír Čejka: "Pavel Altschul a Světozor v letech 1933–39" ("Pavel Altschul and Světozor during 1933-39"). Diploma work at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, 1983, [] .

Other notable uses

"Světozor" is also name of a large (700 seats) cinema built in 1918 in Prague. There seems to be no relation with the newspaper. The building serves as a cinema and an arthouse until today: [ website] , [ history] .

External links

* [ Scanned issues of Světozor (until 1899)]

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