- Jonathan M. Weiss
Infobox Writer
color = #B0C4DE
name = Jonathan Weiss
imagesize = 264x300px
caption = Jonathan Mark Weiss
pseudonym =
birthdate =3 May ,1942
birthplace = flagicon|USANew Britain ,Connecticut
nationality = American
deathdate =
deathplace =
occupation =
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occupation =Professor ,Biographer ,Author , Academic Administrator, Interpreter
spouse = Dace WeissJonathan Weiss (born
May 4 ,1941 ) is an American scholar of French literature and social science whose extensive publications include literary andtheatre criticism, essays onFranco-American relations , ashort story , and most recently the biography ofIrène Némirovsky .Weiss is currently NEH Class of 1940 Distinguished Professor of Humanities, emeritus, in the Department of French and Italian at
Colby College inWaterville, Maine . Weiss currently lives inDijon ,France with his wife, Dace.Biography
Jonathan Mark Weiss was born in
New Britain, Connecticut . He received hisB.A. from Columbia College in1964 , and hisPh.D. fromYale University in1973 . From1967 -1968 Weiss had a Fulbright Fellowship for research inFrance . In1977 and again in1979 , he had a Canadian Government fellowship for research inQuebec . He was also granted in1979 another Fulbright Fellowship for research this time inQuebec . [ [http://www.colby.edu/directory_cs/jmweiss/ Colby College | Directory | Jonathan M. Weiss ] ]In the mid 1960s Weiss worked as an interpreter for the United States
State Department during which time he interpreted for, among others,Martin Luther King, Jr. for francophone African dignitaries. From1969 -1972 Weiss was alecturer in French, at theUniversity of Warwick ,Coventry, England . From1972 -2007 he was an instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and full professor of French atColby College . He was grantedtenure in1978 and was promoted to fullprofessor in1986 . Weiss served as Chair of the modern foreign languages department from1982 -1985 , he was also the director of Off-Campus Study and Academic Affairs from1990 -1997 , and Associate Dean of Faculty from1997 -2000 . InSeptember 2000 he was awarded the NEH endowed chair. During his tenure as director of off-campus study, Weiss established programs of study inDijon ,France , andLondon ,England , the latter a joint program with Bowdoin and Bates colleges. Weiss continues to direct the Dijon program. [ [http://www.colby.edu/academics_cs/ocs/dijon/index.cfm Colby College | Academics | Colby in Dijon ] ] [ [http://www.colby.edu/directory_cs/jmweiss/ Colby College | Directory | Jonathan M. Weiss ] ]In his authored works, Weiss typically writes in French or English depending of his
audience . His recent Némirovsky biography was written in French and published in France before being translated into English by his wife for publication in the United States.Irène Némirovsky was a prolific Russian-born French writer of fiction who published her novels and short stories inParis until she was deported toAuschwitz . [ [http://www.sup.org/book.cgi?book_id=5481 Irène Némirovsky : Her Life and Works - Jonathan Weiss ] ]elected Bibliography
Irène Némirovsky. Paris: Éditions du Félin, 2005. ISBN 2-86645-599-1
Irène Némirovsky: Her Life and Works. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007. ISBN 9780804754811
French-Canadian Theater. Boston: Twayne Publishers (bought by Macmillan); May 1986.
French-Canadian Literature. Washington, DC: The Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, 1989. Reprinted by the Michigan State University Press, 1995.
Essays on French-Canadian Theater (Editor, with Joseph Donohoe). East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1995. Winner of the ACSUS award for best book of essays on Canada, 1996.
Recent Articles
"Arthur Buies et les Etats-Unis au XIXe siècle" Québec Studies, 1987, p. 89-99.
"Une lecture américaine de Volkswagen Blues,” Études françaises, vol. 21, no. 3 (Winter 1985-86), p. 89-96.
“Le théâtre québécois: une histoire de famille,” inle Théâtre au Québec, mémoire et appropriation, Montréal: Société d’Histoire du Théâtre du Québec, 1990, p. 131-140.
“Le Premier Mouvement: un roman américain?,” Études françaises, 26:2, 1990, p. 21-29.
“Le Centenaire de la Révolution Française dans la presse américaine,”Littérature et nation, 2:3, September 1990, p. 135-149.
“Jacques Poulin, lecteur de Hemingway,” Études françaises, 1993, 11-22.
“À Rome comme à Dijon: Le Président de Brosses en Italie”, in Le XVIIIe siècle : histoire, mémoire et rêve. Mélanges offerts à Jean Goulemot, Paris: Honoré Chamption, 2006. ISBN 2-7453-1332-0. [ [http://www.cometes.org/2006/05/01/le-xviiie-siecle-histoire-memoire-et-reve-melanges-offerts-a-jean-goulemot/ Comètes » Annonce » Le XVIIIe siècle : histoire, mémoire et rêve. Mélanges offerts à Jean Goulemot ] ]
“Christmas” (a short story), in Escala, December 2001.
Recent papers given
“Les Origines de la Francophobie américaine”, France-Amérique Bourgogne Association, Dijon, March 9, 2004.
“Le Personnage théâtral”, Université de Bourgogne (école doctorale), March 9, 2004
“From ‘The French Monster’ to ‘Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys’: Two Centuries of Francophobia in the United States”, Society for French Historical Studies, Paris, June 18, 2004
Table ronde - Trois destins singuliers : Romain Gary, Maurice Sachs, Irène Némirovsky, Institut Mémoire de l’Édition Contemporaine, Caen (France), May 21, 2005.
“Liberté, fraternité, judéophobie: American reactions to perceived French anti-Semitism”, Symposium on The French in the United States, University of Texas at Austin, April 22, 2005.
Plays produced at Colby College
The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Brecht), January 1973
La Leçon (Ionesco), December 2002
La Leçon du mardi (play written by French major Allison McAnney), April 2003
La Cantatrice chauve (Ionesco), April 2004
NAME=Weiss, Jonathan
SHORT DESCRIPTION=Author and academic
DATE OF BIRTH=May 3 ,1937
PLACE OF BIRTH=New Britain ,Connecticut ,United States
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