Licia Troisi

Licia Troisi

Licia Troisi (Rome, 25 November 1980) is an Italian fantasy writer.

Her first published book was "Nihal della terra del vento", published in 2004. This is the first book of a fantasy trilogy entitled "Cronache del mondo emerso". Later, she embarked on a second trilogy, "Le guerre del mondo emerso".

Resident in Rome, Licia Troisi also works in astrophysics at the Italian Space Agency. She graduated in physics with a specialization in astrophysics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.She sold about 900000 copies in Italy, which currently makes her the best-selling Italian fantasy writer.


*"Cronache del Mondo Emerso"
** "Nihal della terra del vento". Mondadori, April 2004.
** "La missione di Sennar". Mondadori, October 2004.
** "Il talismano del potere". Mondadori, April 2005.
* "Guerre del mondo emerso".
** "La setta degli assassini". Mondadori, April 2006.
** "Le due guerriere". Mondadori, 27 February 2007.
** "Un nuovo regno". Mondadori, 13 November 2007.
* "I dannati di Malva". Edizioni Ambiente
* "La ragazza drago.
** "L’eredità di Thuban". Mondadori, 15 April 2008

External links

* [ Author's page] at the Mondadori web site.
* [ Interview] (italian)

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