Jan Hollants Van Loocke

Jan Hollants Van Loocke

Jan Hollants Van Loocke is a Belgian civil servant.

He started his diplomatic career as a colonial civil servant in Belgian Congo and subsequently worked in Tokio, Mexico, Paris (France), New Delhi (India) and Peking (China). He played a vital role in the release of Jan Cools in Lebanon in 1989 and the family Houtekins in Libya in 1991. He retired from his diplomatic career with the case Walid Khaled, under Mark Eyskens.


* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE3D9153FF933A25757C0A966958260 Belgians and Arabs Hold Talks in Beirut On Deal for Captives]
* Jan Hollants Van Loocke, "Vogelvrij : herinneringen van een diplomaat", Van Halewyck, 1999, ISBN 90-5617-212-3
* Jan Hollants Van Loocke, Xavier Mabille, "De la colonie a la Ddiplomatie - Une Carriere En Toutes Latitudes", L'Harmattan

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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