Rik Jaeken

Rik Jaeken

Baron Rik Jaeken is a Belgian businessman, who lives in Zonhoven. He was formerly president of UNIZO (1999-2007) and was succeeded in 2007 by Flor Joosen.

Rik Jaeken is an engineer and president of a company active in selling and maintaining yachts. He is vice-president of Trias, an organization which stimulates entrepeneurship in developing countries. In addition he is a radio amateur, nickname "ON1BJI", and a member of the "Belgian Radio Amateur Society" (UBA) section Noord-Oost Limburg (NOL, E: North-east Limburg).


* [http://www.uba.be/actual/old_flash_news/0704_old_flash_fr.html Rik Jaeken] (French)
* [http://www.unizo.be/viewobj.jsp?id=35757 UNIZO-Nationale Vergadering verkiest ondernemer Rik Jaeken tot nationaal voorzitter] (Dutch)

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