V391 Pegasi b

V391 Pegasi b

Planetbox begin
name=V391 Pegasi b
Planetbox star
star=V391 Pegasi
Planetbox orbit
Planetbox character
Planetbox discovery
discovery_date=Mar-Sept 2007
discovery_method=variable timing
discoverers=Silvotti et al.
Planetbox catalog
names=HS 2201+2610 b

V391 Pegasi b, also known as HS 2201+2610 b, is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star V391 Pegasi approximately 4570 light-years away in the constellation of Pegasus. The planet was discovered by means of variable timing, which measured anomalies in variability of the star caused by a planet. It found to have mass of 3.2 times Jupiter (making the planet a superjovian), semi-major axis of 1.7 AU, and orbital period of 1170 days. The planet was discovered in March 2007 and published in September 2007. Its survival indicates that planets at Earth-like distances can survive their star's red-giant phase, though this is a much larger planet than Earth (about the same size as Jupiter and Saturn). [ [http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n0709/19planet/ Planet discovered that offers clues to Earth's future] ]



External links

* [http://exoplanet.eu/planet.php?p1=V391+Peg&p2=b The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia: Notes for planet V391 Pegasi b]

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