Asterolasia hexapetala

Asterolasia hexapetala

name = "Asterolasia hexapetala"

regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Sapindales
familia = Rutaceae
genus = Asterolasia
species = "A. hexapetala"
binomial = "Asterolasia hexapetala"
binomial_authority = (Juss.) Druce|

"Asterolasia hexapetala" is a shrub in the family Rutaceae. The species is native to New South Wales in Australia. The Asterolasia grows to about 1.5 meters (4.5 feet) in height, mainly along water and Sclerophyll forest/woodlands in lower altitudes.

The name originates from the Ancient Greek words; aster, lasios, and hexapetala, meaning star, hairy (referring to hairs on the leaves), and six-petals.


The leaves are greenish in color covered in hair, 2–6 centimetres long, about 1-2 centimetres in width.

The flowers are 1-1.5 centimetres in diameter, usually white or white-yellow, with yellow stamens and rarely grow in clusters.

The aggregate fruit of the, Asterolasia hexapetala; is a berry-like in structure, brownish in color, and grows alongside the flower.


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