- History of the Republic of Korea Navy
Republic of Korea Navy was founded onNovember 11 ,1945 as Marine Defense Group after Korea was liberated from the Empire of Japan. The ROK Navy is the oldest service within the ROK Armed Forces. In 2005, the South Korean navy celebrated its 60th anniversary.Since the
Korean War , the ROK Navy concentrated its efforts to build naval forces against the North Korean navy, which has littoral naval capabilities. AsSouth Korea 's economy grew, the ROK Navy was able to build larger and better equipped fleets to deter aggression, to protect national maritime rights and to support the nation's foreign policies. [ [http://www.navy.mil.kr/about/oceannavy/oceannavy_1.jsp "해군의 역할"] . Republic of Korea Navy official website. RetrievedMarch 8 ,2007 .] The ROK Navy aims to become ablue-water navy by 2020. [ [http://www.navy.mil.kr/about/oceannavy/oceannavy_5.jsp "대양해군건설"] . Republic of Korea Navy official website. RetrievedMarch 4 ,2007 .][Note on
romanization : In the article, all South Korean ships' names are spelled accordingly with theRevised Romanization of Korean system and supplied withhull number s in order to avoid confusions. Exceptions are ships named after a person's name (e.g. Chang Bo-go, Yi Sunshin, Sohn Won-yil) because the romanization of the personal name has already been established.]Origins
Korea has a long history of naval activities. In the late 4th century during the Three Kingdoms Period,Goguryeo defeatedBaekjae by operating amphibious forces of 40,000 men. In the 9th century, Commissioner Chang Bo-go of theUnified Silla established a maritime base calledCheonghaejin in an island to foster trading withChina andJapan ; to cope with pirates.In 1380, the naval forces of the
Goryeo Dynasty defeated 500 vessels of invading Japanese pirates by deploying shipboard guns, devised by Choi Moosun, which is claimed to be the first use of shipboard guns in thenaval history . In 1389 and 1419, the Korean naval force invadedTsushima Island to suppress the Japanese pirate. In the early years of theJoseon Dynasty , the naval forces once reached its peak of 50,000 personnel due to the pirate issue. [ [http://www.navy.go.kr/pds/navyhistory/history_1.jsp "역사속의 해군"] . Republic of Korea Navy official website. RetrievedMay 1 ,2007 .]During the
Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–1598), the Korean naval force commanded by AdmiralYi Sunshin , who later became the head of the Navy (Commander-in-Chief, Three-Provincial Fleet), cut off the invaders' naval life line and defeated the Japanese fleet reversing the war in favor of Joseon. [ [http://www.barrystrauss.com/pdfs/yi-mhq.2.pdf "Korea's Legendary Admiral (PDF Format)"] . barrystrauss.com. RetrievedMay 1 ,2007 .] Comparing Yi Sunshin toLord Nelson , AdmiralGeorge Alexander Ballard of theRoyal Navy commented: "It is always difficult for Englishmen to admit that Nelson ever had an equal in his profession, but if any man is entitled to be so regarded, it should be this great naval commander of Asiatic race who never knew defeat and died in the presence of the enemy [.] " [Ballard, G.A., 1972, The Influence of the Sea on the Political History of Japan., Greenwood Press Reprint, pp. 66–67.] Admiral Yi is also accredited with the creation of theTurtle Ship , which is claimed to be an ironclad.By the end of 19th century, the Joseon navy had no significant naval force [ [https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/csi-studies/studies/vol49no1/html_files/first_attache_5.html "The First US Naval Attaché to Korea"] . Central Intelligence Agency official website. Retrieved
May 6 ,2007 .] other than coast defense fortresses. Although there was an attempt to modernize the navy by establishing a royal naval school with the assistance of the Royal Navy personnel, namely LieutenantWilliam Callwell of theRoyal Marines , the Joseon navy (i.e. Commander-in-Chief Three-Provincial Fleet) was brought to an end in 1895.In 1903, the government of the
Korean Empire purchased its first modern war ship, the "Yangmu" (양무; 揚武; aka "Yang Moo"), from Japan. She was originally a cargo ship called the "Kachidatemaru". [ [http://www.imhc.mil.kr/imhcroot/upload/resource/hm-03.pdf "제3장 군사학교의 설립과 사관양성 (PDF Format)"] . Ministry of National Defense - Institution for Military History Compilation official website. RetrievedMay 1 ,2007 .] The Korean naval tradition was disrupted after Korea was annexed by theEmpire of Japan in 1910.Founding years
Shortly after Korea was liberated from the Empire of Japan on
August 15 ,1945 , a former merchant mariner and independence activist [ [http://ki.warmemo.co.kr:8101/warmemo/jsp/data/view.jsp?type=2&pkey=625HM00015 "손원일 중장"] . War Memorial Museum official website. RetrievedMay 2 ,2007 .]Sohn Won-yil led to form the Maritime Affairs Association. The Maritime Affairs Association evolved in the Marine Defense Group onNovember 11 ,1945 (later became Navy Foundation Day), and some 70 people proceeded to the formerImperial Japanese Navy 's Chinkai Naval Station atJinhae to establish a coast guard academy. Later the name of Marine Defense Group was changed to the Korean Coast Guard. The Korean Coast Guard was officially recognized by theUS military government in 1946. Meanwhile the military government provided limited assistance throughU.S. Navy andU.S. Coast Guard personnel then in Korea. [ [http://www.uscg.mil/history/Korean_War.html "THE FORGOTTEN SERVICE IN THE FORGOTTEN WAR"] . U.S. Coast Guard official website. RetrievedMarch 23 ,2007 .] After the newRepublic of Korea government was established onAugust 15 ,1948 , the Korean Coast Guard was formally renamed theRepublic of Korea Navy , and Sohn became the first Chief of Naval Operations of the ROK Navy onSeptember 5 ,1948 . [ [http://www.cnfk.navy.mil/history.html "Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea: The Early Years (1945 to 1957)"] . Commander U.S. Naval Forces Korea, U.S. Navy official website. RetrievedMarch 4 ,2007 .]In October 1949, the ROK Navy purchased a 600-ton submarine chaser, the former USS|PC-823 on the American civil market with funds raised among its personnel. She was renamed as ROKS "Baekdusan" (PC 701) and became "the first significant warship of the newly independent nation" [ [http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh-fornv/rok/roksh-mr/paktusn.htm "Pak Tu San (Submarine Chaser # PC-701, 1950-1960)"] Department of the Navy – Naval Historical Center official website. Retrieved
March 4 ,2007 .] [ [http://www.navy.go.kr/pds/navyhistory/history_2_1.jsp "한국해군50년사"] . Republic of Korea Navy Official website. RetrievedMarch 4 ,2007 .] (Later on the first night of the Korean War, she sank a 1,000-ton North Korean freighter loaded with 600 troops toward the vital South Korean port ofBusan . [ [http://www.history.navy.mil/wars/korea/roknavy.htm "Republic of Korea Navy"] . Department of the Navy – Naval Historical Center official website. RetrievedSeptember 25 ,2007 .] ).On
April 15 ,1949 , theRepublic of Korea Marine Corps (ROKMC) was founded in Deoksan airfield in Jinhae. The Marine Corps carried out Suppression Operations against communist elements inJinju andJeju-do . [ [http://www.navy.go.kr/english/history/half.jsp "Half Century History of the ROK Navy"] . Republic of Korea Navy official website. RetrievedMarch 4 ,2007 .]Korean War and 1950s
The Korean War started with the North Korean army's surprise attack on Sunday,
June 25 ,1950 . The infant ROK Navy confronted threats from the stronger North Korean navy: "Perhaps the most aggressive and effective, if smallest, member of the South Korean armed services during the first year of the Korean War was the Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN). At the outset of the conflict, the 6,956-man ROKN, with [33] [ [http://www.navy.go.kr/servlet/Download?file=20031231192549453.pdf "6·25전쟁 발발 당일, 우리 해군의 함정 척수 및 병력"] . 해군 vol. 2003 9-10. Republic of Korea Navy. RetrievedOctober 21 ,2007 .] naval vessels of various types, was outnumbered by the 13,700 men and 110 naval vessels of the North Korean navy." [ [http://www.history.navy.mil/wars/korea/roknavy.htm "Republic of Korea Navy"] . Department of the Navy – Naval Historical Center official website. RetrievedSeptember 25 ,2007 .] With itsUN allies, dominated by US forces, the ROK Navy was able to gain control in the seas surrounding the country; the ROK Navy secured the seas south of the 38th parallel. After the Incheon landing, the ROK Navy proceeded to take control of the entire seas surrounding the Korean peninsula. When UN troops withdrew from the north, due to the entry of Chinese troops, the ROK Navy conducted evacuation operations for the UN troops and Korean refugees with the UN allies. OnJuly 27 ,1953 , the three year-long war was brought to an end when an armistice agreement was signed. During the war,Australia ,Canada ,Colombia ,France , theNetherlands ,New Zealand ,Thailand , theUnited Kingdom , and theUnited States contributed naval vessels as UN allies;Denmark sent the hospital ship "Jutlandia ". [ [http://korea50.army.mil/history/factsheets/allied.shtml "Allied Forces in the Korean War"] . Department of Defense – Korean War Commemoration website. RetrievedSeptember 25 ,2007 .]In September of the same year, Commander-in-Chief Republic of Korea Fleet was established. Fleet Aviation Unit was established in 1957. [ [http://www.navy.go.kr/english/history/half.jsp "Half Century History of the ROK Navy"] . Republic of Korea Navy official website. Retrieved
March 4 ,2007 .]On
July 30 ,1960 , ROKS "Gangwon" (DE-72), formerly USS|Sutton|DE-771, sank the North Korean navy ship "PBS 371" off the coast ofGeojin . [ [http://www.navy.mil.kr/servlet/Download?file=20080418162128799.pdf "잊혀진 해전"] . 해군 vol. 2008 1-2. Republic of Korea Navy. RetrievedJune 12 ,2008 .]1960s
Continuing from the '50s, the ROK Navy continued to build naval surface forces mainly with ships transferred from the
US Navy .In May 1963, the ROK Navy acquired its first destroyer ROKS "Chungmu" (DD 91 and later DD 911), the former USS|Erben|DD-631, a "Fletcher" class destroyer. On
October 3 ,1964 , ROKS "Chungnam" (DE 73, later DE 821), formerly USS|Holt|DE-706, "successfully prosecuted an unidentified submarine contact for more than 17 hours until the contact surfaced and was positively identified as aSoviet Whiskey class submarine with pendant number 017". [ [http://www.cnfk.navy.mil/history2.html "Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea: Abbreviated History ofCommander, U.S. Naval Forces, Korea"] . Commander U.S. Naval Forces Korea, U.S. Navy official website. RetrievedOctober 4 ,2007 .] [姜泳勳. (1996). 73艦의 蘇聯 潛水艦 追跡事件. "海洋戰略 vol. 93". South Korea: 海軍大學 pp.1-41.]During the
Vietnam War , the ROK Navy dispatched naval transport units called "Baekgu"; the ROKMC dispatched combat units called "Cheongnyong" toVietnam .In 1969, the ROK Navy began "Isolated Islands Visiting Program" to support people living in small and remote islands around the peninsula. [ [http://www.navy.go.kr/english/history/half.jsp "Half Century History of the ROK Navy"] . Republic of Korea Navy official website. Retrieved
March 4 ,2007 .]On
January 19 ,1967 , ROKS "Dangpo" (PCEC 56), the former USS|Marfa|PCE-842, was sunk by North Korean coastal artillery north of the demarcation line off the east coast of Korea [ [http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/m5/marta.htm "Marta"] . Department of the Navy – Naval Historical Center official website. RetrievedApril 30 ,2007 .] (USS|Pueblo|AGER-2) was captured byNorth Korea in January 1968.). In June 1970, a navy broadcast vessel (ROKS "I-2") was captured by North Korean patrol craft in the vicinity of Yeonpyeong Islands in the West Sea (Yellow Sea ). [ [http://www.ceoi.org/8ceoi(text)/8ceoi(text21).htm "남북간의 해상전과 남한 방송선 피랍사건"] . www.ceoi.org by O Wonchol. RetrievedOctober 4 ,2007 .]1970s and 1980s
In the 70s, the ROK Navy, through the
Park Chung-hee Administration's "Yulgok" Plan" (an 8-year national defense plan "to build up self-reliant, national defense capability" [ [http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/rok/army-history.htm "ROK Army History"] . GlobalSecurity.org. RetrievedMarch 10 ,2007 .] ), began to build naval forces with indigenous technologies; this initiated the ROK Navy to build fleets with locally built ships.In 1972, the ROK Navy launched its first domestically built patrol craft. The first 2,000-ton frigate ROKS "Ulsan" (FF 951) was launched in 1980 and the first 1,000-ton corvette ROKS "Pohang" (PCC 756) was launched in 1982 with indigenous technologies. In the following year, the lead ship of, secretly developed, the "Dolgorae" class midget submarine was launched. [ [http://kookbang.dema.mil.kr/kdd/CultureTypeView.jsp?writeDate=20041122&writeDateChk=20040629&menuCd=2004&menuSeq=11&kindSeq=1&menuCnt=30917 "철모에서 미사일까지<128>첫 독자 개발 소형 잠수함-22-"] . The Korea Defense Daily. Retrieved
March 10 ,2007 .] The ROK Navy continued to carry out other new shipbuilding projects such as mine sweepers, logistic support ships and amphibious landing ships.Fleet Aviation Unit became a fleet aviation group in 1977. The ROK Navy strengthened its naval aviation force by acquiring Grumman S-2 Tracker anti-submarine warfare aircraft and
Aérospatiale Alouette III helicopters. In 1986, the fleet aviation group became Air Wing SIX.In 1973 and 1974, the ROK Navy reorganized its fleets into five Naval Sectors. In 1986, the ROK Navy reorganized its fleets: First Fleet, Second Fleet, and Third Fleet. [ [http://www.navy.go.kr/english/history/half.jsp "Half Century History of the ROK Navy"] . Republic of Korea Navy official website. Retrieved
March 4 ,2007 .]In 1973, once a separate branch of the ROK Armed Forces, the ROKMC became a part of the ROK Navy. Headquarters Republic of Korea Marine Corps was established in 1987.
Since the 90s, the ROK Navy has been steadily upgrading its naval forces. In 1995, Admiral
An Pyongtae , the 20th Chief of Naval Operations, presented the vision of building a "blue ocean navy" for the future of the ROK Navy in his inaugural address. [ [http://donga.com/docs/magazine/new_donga/200007/nd2000070130.html "21세기 통일한국의 大洋해군 전략"] . Donga.com. RetrievedMarch 8 ,2007 .]As a part of a plan to strengthen the surface combatant forces, ROKS "Kwanggaeto the Great" (DDH 971), the ROK Navy's first locally built destroyer, was launched in 1996; the "Kwanggaeto the Great" class destroyers replaced the aged former
USN "Allen M. Sumner" class and "Gearing" class destroyer. For building submarines forces, the ROK Navy acquired its first submarine (excluding midget submarines) ROKS "Chang Bogo" (SS 061) from Germany in 1992. The following eight "Chang Bo-go" class submarines were built in Korea. In order to replace the aged S-2 Trackers, Lockheed P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft were delivered to the ROK Navy from 1995.In November 1999, the ROK Navy completed the construction of Pyeongtaek Naval Operations Base; Commander Second Fleet was relocated from Incheon Naval Base to the newly established base with an operational headquarters.
In October 1998, the ROK Navy hosted its first International Fleet Review in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Republic of Korea and its armed forces off coast of Busan and Jinhae. About 60 ships from 12 countries participated in the fleet review including the South Korean navy. [ [http://weekly.hankooki.com/whan/last/981029/w61553.htm "{해군 국제관함식} 바다로, 세계로..."] . THE HANKOOKILBO. Retrieved
March 10 ,2007 .]In June 1999, the ROK Navy forces engaged the North Korea naval forces near the Northern Limit Line (NLL) in the vicinity of Yeonpyeong Islands. In June 2002, the two Navies engaged again in the same vicinity resulting in the sinking of ROKS "PKM 357".
Present: First decade of 21st century
The ROK Navy continues to put its efforts to build a "blue ocean navy". In 2001, then President
Kim Dae-jung announced a plan for building up the Strategic Mobile Fleet. [ [http://www3.yonsei.ac.kr:8888/kdjlibrary/historyData/researchData/viewNew.asp?pkid=30009&searchValue=&sYear=2001&sMonth=03&sDay=01&eYear=2001&eMonth=04&eDay=17&search] . Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library official website. Retrieved
March 12 ,2007 .]In 2002, the lead ship (DDH 975) of the 4,500-ton "Chungmugong Yi Sunshin" class destroyer was launched. In 2005, the 14,000-ton amphibious landing ship, ROKS "Dokdo" (LPH 6111) was launched. In 2006, the ROK Navy launched the lead ship (SS 072) of the 1,800-ton "Sohn Wonyil" class submarine, which was named after the first Chief of Naval Operations, equipped with
Air-Independent Propulsion (AIP) system. In May 2007, the ROK Navy launched the lead ship (DDG 991) of the "King Sejong the Great" class destroyer, built around theAegis combat system and the SPY-1D multi-function phased array radar. In June 2007, the ROK Navy launched the lead ship (PKG 711) of the "Yoon Young-ha" class missile boat in honor of the late captain of ROKS "PKM 357", which was sunken after an engagement with the North Korean navy in 2002.The ROK Navy completed the construction of Busan Naval Operations Base in June 2006; Commander Third Fleet was moved to the newly established operational headquarters. [ [http://www.navy.mil.kr/lngboardread.do?szCtgrID=2&szSeq=195&szSrchType=0&szKwd=&pg=7&pgrp=1 "해군,「부산 작전기지」준공"] . Republic of Korea Navy Official website. Retrieved
March 20 ,2007 .] In November 2007, Commander Third Fleet was relocated toMokpo while disestablishing Mokpo Naval Sector Defense Command. In December 2007, Commander-in-Chief Republic of Korea Fleet (CINCROKFLT) moved its command headquarters from Jinhae Naval Base to Busan Naval Operations Base.Jinhae had been CINCROKFLT's homeport since 1953. [ [http://news.joins.com/article/2966849.html?ctg=-1 "작전명 일출 … 해작사 부산상륙"] . Joins.com. RetrievedDecember 4 ,2007 .] As a part of its mission, the ROK Navy participated in several peacekeeping operations since the turn of the century. [ [http://www.mnd.go.kr/news/mndNews/content.jsp?enews] . Ministry of National Defense Official website. Retrieved
March 4 ,2007 .] In 2004, the ROK Navy hosted a multilateral naval exercise - Pacific Reach 2004 - for the first time. [ [http://www.navy.mil.kr/info/trainintro/force7_pr_05.jsp "PACIFIC REACH"] . Republic of Korea Navy official website. RetrievedMarch 10 ,2007 .] The Cruise Training Fleet - ROKS "Chungmugong Yi Sunshin" (DDH 975) and ROKS "Cheonji" (AOE 57) - visited the United Kingdom in order to take part in the International Fleet Review forTrafalgar 200 in 2005.ee also
Joseon Navy
*Naval history of Korea
*Yi Sun-sin Notes
* [http://www.navy.mil.kr/english/pds/navyhistory/history_1.jsp?menu=1 History of the ROK Navy - Republic of Korea Navy official website]
External links
* [http://www.navy.mil.kr/ Republic of Korea Navy official website (Korean)] [http://www.navy.mil.kr/english/main/main.jsp (English)]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.