Joumana Haddad

Joumana Haddad

Joumana Haddad (born December 6, 1970, Beirut) is a renowned Lebanese poet, translator and journalist [] ] .


She is head of the Cultural pages in prestigious "An Nahar" newspaper, as well as the Administrator of the IPAF literary prize (the "Arab Booker") and the Editor-in-chief of "JASAD" magazine, a one of its kind Arabic cultural magazine specialized in the literature and arts of the Body.

She has already published several poetry collections, widely acclaimed by critics. Her books have been translated to many languages and published abroad.

Speaking seven languages, she has also published several works of translation, including an anthology of Lebanese modern poetry in Spanish, published in Spain as well as in many Latin American countries.

She interviewed many international writers, such as Umberto Eco, Paul Auster, Jose Saramago, Peter Handke, Elfriede Jelinek, and others.

She is member of the Book and Reading committee in the Lebanese Ministry of Culture.

Joumana Haddad has been awarded the Arab Press Prize in 2006.

She is also a performer and a collage artist.


Bibliography in Arabic

* Time for a dream, "poetry", (1995)
* Invitation to a secret feast, "poetry", (1998)
* Two hands to the abyss, "poetry", (2000)
* I did not sin enough, "selected poems", (2003)
* Lilith's Return, "poetry", (2004)
* The panther hidden at the base of her shoulders, "selected poems", (2006)
* In the company of the fire thieves, "Conversations with international writers", (2006)
* Death will come and it will have your eyes, "Anthology of 150 poets who committed suicide", (2007)
* Bad habits, "selected poems", (2007)
* Mirrors of the passers by, "poetry", (2007)

Bibliography in other languages

* Damit ich abreisen kann, 2005, "Lisan Verlag", Basel, Switzerland.
* Allí donde el río se incendia, 2005, "Ediciones De Aquí", Málaga, España/ 2006, "Fundación Editorial El Perro y la Rana", Caracas, Venezuela/ 2007, "Editorial Praxis", Mexico, Mexico/ 2007.
* Cuando me hice fruta, 2006, "Monte Ávila Editores", Caracas, Venezuela.
* El retorno de Lilith, 2007, "Editorial Praxis", Mexico, Mexico.
* Le retour de Lilith, 2007, "Editions L’Inventaire", Paris, France.
* Die rückkehr von Lilith, 2008, "Hans Schiler Verlag", Berlin, Germany.
* Invitation to a Secret Feast, 2008, "Tupelo Press", Vermont, USA.
* Madinah, city stories from the Middle East, "Comma Press", Manchester, UK [] ] .

About her

* "A poetry that is at once sensual and cerebral, anarchic and self contained".:Marilyn Hacker, "American poet"
* "A complex poetry, sometimes ferocious, sometimes tender, always moving".:David Harsent, "British poet"
* "An exceptional poetic voice that renders the transformations of freedom’s writing".:Enrique Hernández De Jesús, "Venezuelan poet and artist"
* "A breathtaking poetry, that goes to the extreme".:Tahar Ben Jelloun, "Moroccan poet and novelist"
* "A sumptuous and alluring voice, carefully drawing the reader in, before unveiling soulful insight and wisdom".:Jeffrey Levine, "American publisher"
* "A poet who tumbles down all stereotyped images of the Arab woman".:Valentina Colombo, "Italian orientalist"
* "She unfurls in her poems the tentacular word of the woman-hydra, giving way to the voice of a strong and magnificent woman".:Brigitte Ouvry-Vial, "French publisher"

External links

* [ Her official website]

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