

French commune |name=Airaines

x = 138
y = 43
maire=Jean-Luc Lefebvre
intercomm=Communauté de communes du Sud-Ouest Amiénois
alt moy=49 m
alt mini=15
alt maxi=116 m

Airaines is a commune in the Somme department in Picardy in northern France.


The commune is situated 18 miles south of Amiens, at the junction of the D901 and D936 roads.

Hamlets and neighbourhoods

* Dourier : Originally a hamlet to the northeast of the town, now a suburb.
* Dreuil-Hamel : Stretching out to the west, sprinkled with orchards and meadows, this commune was once separate. By decree of September 26 1972 it was joined with Airaines in a simple merger.



* In earlier times, the town flourished, due mainly to the importance of the castle of the dukes of Luynes.
* During World War II, the town was subject to much destruction in June 1940. The Market hall was destroyed.
* The years 1985-2000 saw the closure of several important economical activities, resulting in high unemployment

Places and monuments

* Saint-Denis church
* The Priory (Notre Dame church)
* Dreuil-Hamel church, abandoned and in danger of collapsing
* The towers of the dukes of Luynes
* The memorial to Charles N'Tchoréré

People linked to the commune

Charles N'Tchoréré (15 November 1896 - 1940) was a Gabonese military commander who was shot by the Germans in World War II during the battle for France.

Twinned with

* Kriftel, Germany

ee also

Communes of the Somme department

External links

(All French language)
* [ The Priory website]
* [ Airaines on the website of l'Institut géographique national]
* [ Airaines on the website of l'Insee]
* [ Airaines on the website of Quid]
* [ Position of Airaines on a French map]
* [ Map of Airaines on Mapquest]
* [ Official municipal website]

*"This article is based on the equivalent article from the French Wikipedia."

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Airaines — Airaines …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Airaines — Airaines …   Wikipedia Español

  • Airaines — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Airaines (homonymie). 49° 57′ 57″ N 1° 56′ 39″ E …   Wikipédia en Français

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