Vladimir Yengibaryan

Vladimir Yengibaryan

Vladimir Nikolaevich Yengibaryan ( _ru. Владимир Николаевич Енгибарян) (born April 24, 1932 in Yerevan) is a former welterweight boxer.

Yengibaryan trained at Trudovye Rezervy in Yerevan. He was an amateur boxer for the USSR, who won the Light welterweight (63.5 kg) gold medal at the 1956 Melbourne Olympic games. In 1957 he became the Honoured Master of Sports of the USSR and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour on the same year. [cite book|title=All about Olympic Games.|author=Boris Khavin|publisher=Fizkultura i sport|edition = 2nd ed.|pages=p. 545|year=1979|location=Moscow|language=Russian] After finishing his career he founded the first in the USSR boxing Children and Youth Sport School in Yerevan. Since 1992 he lives in Los Angeles. [ru icon [http://slovari.yandex.ru/dict/olympic/article/olymp/ol11/ol1-2766.htm Profile in the Olympic Encyclopedia] ]

Olympic results

*1st round bye
*Defeated Leszek Drogosz (Poland) points
*Defeated Claude Saluden (France) points
*Defeated Henry Loubscher (South Africa) points
*Defeated Franco Nenci (Italy) points


* [http://databaseolympics.com/players/playerpage.htm?ilkid=YENGIVLA01 Olympic DB]

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