Quantum 1/f noise

Quantum 1/f noise

Quantum 1/f noise is an intrinsic part of quantum mechanics. It comes from scattering of different particles of one another in solid state physics. Quantum 1/f noise is a source of Chaos in such systems.

Other noise data sets

1/f noise has also recently been discovered in higher ordered self constructing functions, as well as complex systems, both biological, chemical, and physical.

The theory

The basic derivation of Quantum 1/f was made by Peter Handel from the University of Missouri - St. Louis, and published in "Physical Review A", in August 1980.

For more on Quantum 1/f, see: P.H. Handel: "1/f Macroscopic Quantum Fluctuations of Electric Currents Due to Bremsstrahlung with Infrared Radiative Corrections", Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung 30a, p.1201 (1975)

This theory is completely wrong, see: Th.M. Nieuwenhuizen, D. Frenkel, and N.G. van Kampen, Objections to Handel's quantum theory of 1/f-noise, Phys. Rev. A 35 (1987) 2750-2753

ee also

* shot noise
* 1/f noise
* white noise
* Johnson-Nyquist noise
* signal-to-noise ratio
* noise level
* noise power
* noise-equivalent power
* phase noise
* thermal noise
* list of noise topics
* audio system measurements
* Colors of noise

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