Priniatikos Pyrgos

Priniatikos Pyrgos

Priniatikos Pyrgos is an archaeological site near Istron, in the eastern Cretan prefecture of Lasithi, (Greece). The site is on a coastal promontory. It appears to have been first settled in the Final Neolithic, "circa" 3,000 BC. Activity on the site continued throughout the Minoan Bronze Age and the Classical Greek and Roman periods, spanning a total of up to 4,000 years. The site may have been a harbour settlement, an industrial area, a cult area or any combination of such functions, which may have changed throughout its long occupation. Since 2007, Priniatikos Pyrgos has been undergoing excavation by an international team under the auspices of the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens.

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* [ Project description on IIHSA website]

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