Les Cooper

Les Cooper

Les Cooper (b. Mar. 15, 1931, Norfolk, Virginia) was an American doo wop musician, best known for his hit rock instrumental "Wiggle Wobble".

Cooper sang in several New York doo wop groups, including The Empires and The Whirlers, and was the manager of the group The Charts. [ [http://wc02.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=11:gifyxqw5ldte Biography] , Allmusic.com] In 1962, he signed to Everlast Records and released the single "Dig Yourself" b/w "Wiggle Wobble", billed with his band as Les Cooper & the Soul Rockers. Both sides were produced by Bobby Robinson. The B-side was an instrumental featuring the saxophone playing of Joe Grier (formerly of The Charts himself); it caught on at radio and became a nationwide hit, peaking at #12 R&B in 1962 and #22 on the Billboard Hot 100 early in 1963. [ [http://wc02.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=11:gifyxqw5ldte~T5 Billboard Singles] , Allmusic.com] It was his only hit; one of the follow-up singles was the sonically similar "Let's Do the Boston Monkey", recorded for Enjoy Records.


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